Учебная, методическая литература и словари
- Вспомогательные материалы для студентов149
- Демонстрационные материалы455
- Дополнительное образование для детей1978
- Дошкольное обучение6009
- Иностранные языки: грамматика и учебники3187
- Книги для школы19438
- Педагогика5795
- Подготовка в вуз94
- Пособия для детей с ограниченными возможностями571
- Словари и разговорники1205
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Big English. Starter. Pupils Book
Share in your students' success. Watch them excel in English. BIG ENGLISH prepares students for the challenges they will find in…
Bitacora 4. Nueva edicion. Cuaderno de ejercicios
Bitacora 4 Nueva edicion es un manual moderno e innovador que permite trabajar al mismo tiempo y de manera sencilla en…
Black Beauty. Reader. Книга для чтения
A horse's life can be happy and free, or it can be hand and full of sadness. Follow Black Beauty through…
Blockbuster 2. Student's Book. Elementary. Учебник
Blockbuster 2 is designed for learners, studying English at Elementary level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework…
Blockbuster 2. Workbook & Grammar Book. Elementary
Blockbuster 2. Workbook & Grammar Book is designed for learners studying English at Elementary level. The course follows the principles of…
Blockbuster-3. Student's Book. Pre-Intermediate. Учебник
"Blockbuster 3" is designed for learners studying English at Pre-Intermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework…
Blockbuster 3. Workbook and Grammar Book
Blockbuster 3 is designed for learners studying English at Pre-lntermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework…
Blockbuster-4. Student's Book. Intermediate. Учебник
Blockbuster 4 is designed for learners studying English at Intermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework…
Blockbuster 4. Workbook & Grammar Book. Intermediate
Blockbuster 4 is designed for learners studying English at Intermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework…
Blockbuster US 1. Student Book
Blockbuster US is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Upper Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with…
Blockbuster US 1. Workbook & Grammar
Blockbuster US is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Upper Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with…
Blockbuster US 2. Student Book
Blockbuster US is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Upper Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with…
Blockbuster US 2. Workbook & Grammar Book
Blockbuster US is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Upper Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with…
Blockbuster US 3. Student Book
Blockbuster US is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Upper Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with…
Blockbuster US. 4 Student Book
Blockbuster US is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Upper Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with…
Bonjour et bienvenue! A1.1 (+ CD)
Bonjour et bienvenue est une methode de francais pour e vrais debutants (A1.1) qui permet une entree en douceur dans la…
Books! Barbells for the Btain! POP! Chart
Encourage your students to think, dream, and do their best with these inspirational POP!
Bookнига. Маленький английский словарик
Есть старинная пословица: язык языку знак подаёт. Где же они это делают? Например, в задорной книге, которую создали признанные мастера: художник…
Bright Stars 1. Student book. Учебник
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks…
Britain. Учебное пособие
"Britain" - учебное пособие для обучающихся в бакалавриате по направлению подготовки "Педагогическое образование" авторов проф. О. А. Колыхаловой; проф. К. С.…
British Studies for LIS. Язык и культура Великобритании. Учебное пособие
Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов младших курсов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Библиотечно-информационная деятельность». Целью пособия является развитие профессионально-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции у…
Building Essential Language Arts Skills: Grade 1
Give students the practice they need to master key language arts skills that will help them develop into successful readers and…
Bunte Grammatik. Учебное пособие
Учебное пособие "Bunte Grammatik" включает в себя теоретическую и практическую части, грамматический материал которого соответствует уровням А1-С1. Теория по грамматике в…
Business English. Student's book
Career Paths: Business English is a new educational resource for business professionals who want to improve their English communication in a…