Учебная, методическая литература и словари
- Вспомогательные материалы для студентов149
- Демонстрационные материалы455
- Дополнительное образование для детей1978
- Дошкольное обучение6009
- Иностранные языки: грамматика и учебники3187
- Книги для школы19438
- Педагогика5795
- Подготовка в вуз94
- Пособия для детей с ограниченными возможностями571
- Словари и разговорники1205
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Activate! B1 Grammar & Vocabulary
Activate! B1 Grammar & Vocabulary provides additional practice on key grammar areas and consolidates the language covered in the Students' Book…
Activate! B1+ Level Students' Book (with Active Book DVD-ROM)
An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable…
Activate! B1 Student's Book & Active Book Pack (+CD)
An exciting and intensive exams preparation course tailored to meet the needs of your teenage students. Focusing on themes from teen…
Activate! B1+. Workbook with Key (+CD)
An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable…
Activate! B1. Workbook without Key with iTest (+CD)
Additional practice of all four skills as well as the grammar and vocabulary areas covered in the Students' Book. The Workbook…
Activate! B2 Level Workbook with Key with iTest Multi-ROM
An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable…
Activate! B2 Level Workbook (without key) with iTest Multi-ROM
An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable…
Activate! B2 Student's Book and Active Book Pack (+CD)
Activate! is an exciting and intensive four-level exam preparation course that offers an enjoyable and highly motivating exam preparation experience for…
Activate! B2 Use of English
An exciting and intensive skills-based course, which focuses on themes from contemporary teen culture. Activate! engages students and offers highly enjoyable…
Active Grammar Level 1 with Answers and CD-ROM
A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 1 covers all the…
Active Grammar. Level 1. Without Answers (+CD-ROM)
A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 1 covers all the…
Active Grammar. Level 2. With Answers (+CD-ROM)
A three-level series of grammar reference and practice books for teenage and young adult learners. Active Grammar Level 2 covers all the…
Activites de francais Grande Section
Un cahier d'activites pour s'entrainer en francais GS - Ecrire des lettres en cursive - Reconnaitre des mots et des syllabes…
Adosphere 1 Cahier (+ CD-ROM)
Structure : Un suivi pas a pas du decoupage du livre de l'eleve qui propose des activites de renforcement a…
Adosphere 1 Livre (+ CD)
Structure : 8 modules 1 page d'ouverture active 3 lecons d'apprentissage : - l'exploitation de chaque lecon s'articule autour de documents declencheurs et mene…
Advanced Grammar in Use. Book without Answers
Grammar in Use is the world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. This third edition, without answers, is perfect for…
Advanced Grammar in Use. With answers
A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English. Advanced Grammar in Use second edition is a fully updated version…
Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers and eBook. A Self-study Reference and Practictice Book
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. This third edition, with answers and interactive eBook, contains 100 units of grammar…
Advanced Trainer Six Practice Tests without Answers with Audio
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Advanced Trainer Second edition offers…
Advanced Trainer Six Practice Tests with Answers
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Advanced Trainer Second edition offers…
В этой книге собраны рассказы об удивительных приключениях самых разных героев мировой литературы. Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически продуманными тренировочными упражнениями…
Advertising Techniques. Do you Buy It? Level 6
Advertisements are all around us. They are on television, on billboards, in magazines, and online. Many advertisements are designed to appeal…
Aladdin und die Wunderlampe
"Leseclub" ist eine Reihe mit Lekturen fur Kinder in der Grundstufe. Auf der Niveaustufe A1 werden Marchen nacherzahlt. Die durchgehend vierfarbigen…
A la une 1 - Cahier d'exercices (+CD)
A La Une 1 est une methode de francais complete et motivante, ideale pour travailler avec les adolescents. Grace a une…