The Truth About Professor Smith (+CD)
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Smith and the Pharaohs and other Tales
Smith and the Pharaohs is a collection of tales from master storyteller Henry Rider Haggard. The title tale concerns a budding…
Belshazzar & Smith and the Pharaohs
Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set mostly in Africa, and a founder of the Lost…
The Professor
Charlotte Bronte was an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three Bronte sisters who survived into adulthood and whose…
The Professor
Предлагаем вниманию читателей первый роман Шарлотты Бронте (1816-1855), вышедший в свет посмертно, в 1857 году. В его основе - впечатления от…
The Professor
The Professor was published only after Charlotte Brontes death; today it gives us a fascinating insight into the first stirrings of…
The Professor
The Professor is Charlotte Bronte's first novel? in which she audaciously inhabits the voice and consciousness of a man, William Crimsworth.…
Professor Green and the Snake
Professor Green and his friends go into the jungle to find the black and white snake. They meet some interesting animals…
The Truth About Fat
Who or what is to blame for us getting fat and ill in increasing numbers? Sugar or fat? Gut microbes or genes?…
Little Philosophers. Truth with Socrates
Answering life's big questions for little children, this board book explains Socrates' beliefs about truth in a simple, accessible way. Answering life's…