Современная зарубежная проза на английском языке
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году издания
Fahrenheit 451
The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a special task force of firemen.…
False Impression
Missing, presumed dead . . . Jeffrey Archer, one of the greatest popular novelists of our generation, delivers a truly page-turning thriller. When…
Fates and Furies
Every story has two sides. Every relationship has two perspectives. And sometimes, it turns out, the key to a great marriage…
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Доктор журналистики Рауль Дюк и его адвокат Доктор Гонзо отправляются в Лас-Вегас на поиски знаменитой американской мечты. Там они совершают самые…
Fifth Elephant
Fifty Great American Short Stories
A brilliant, far-reaching collection of stories from Washington Irving to John Updike. The Classic Stories Edgar Allan Poe s "Ms. Found…
Fifty Ways to Play
Sex shouldn't be satisfying, it should be mindblowing. With this simple and accessible guide to BDSM (bondage, dominance, sadism and masochism) you…
Fight Club
Нашумевший Бойцовский клуб американского писателя Чака Паланика начинался как короткий рассказ, который в конечном итоге стал шестой главой сильного культового произведения,…
Final Encounter
В издание вошли наиболее редкие и интересные рассказы Гарри Гаррисона. Сборник открывается научно-фантастическим очерком "Rock Diver" ("Проникающий в скалы"), с которого…
Finders Keepers
A riveting crime thriller about a reader whose obsession with a reclusive writer goes too far, featuring the same trio of…
Fire and Blood. 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones
300 years before A Game of Thrones, an even greater game began, one that set the skies alight with dragon flame…
A year ago, he was an upstanding instructor of English at Harrison State College. Now Andy is on the run with…
Forrest Gump
Форрест Гамп - наивный и доверчивый человек, сохранивший незамутнённый детский взгляд на мир, - рассказывает на страницах романа историю своей жизни.…
Forrest Gump
Laugh, cry, stand up and cheer: "Forrest Gump" is everyman's story, everyman's dream. A wonderfully warm, savagely barbed, and hilariously funny…
Four: A Divergent Collection
Fans of the Divergent series by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth will be thrilled by Four: A…
Four Past Midnight
At midnight comes the point of balance. Of danger. The instant of utter stillness when between two beats of the heart,…
Foxcatcher. A True Story of Murder, Madness and the Quest for Olympic Gold
Madmen, money, murder.... and wrestling. The Foxcatcher estate, Pennsylvania, January 1996. Dave Schultz, Olympic gold medallist and wrestling golden boy, is shot…
Fragile Eternity
Mortal affections and faery rivalries continue to collide in the town of Huntsdale, as New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr…
Fragile Things
Let me tell you stories of the months of the year, of ghosts and heartbreak, of dread and desire. Of after-hours…
Fragile Things. Short Fictions and Wonders
"A powerful and oddly unified collection, a perfect introduction to Gaiman's work for new readers and a thrilling reminder to his…
Frankie and Stankie
Dinah and her sister Lisa are growing up in 1950s South Africa, where racial laws are tightening. They are two little…
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Навещая свою свекровь в доме престарелых, Эвелин заводит дружбу с одной милой и оптимистичной старушкой по имени Нинни Тредгуд. Каждую неделю…
From a Buick 8
There is a secret hidden in Shed B in the state police barracks in Statler, Pennsylvania. A secret that has drawn…
Full Dark, No Stars
For a Nebraska farmer, the turning point come when his wife threatens to sell off the family homestead. A cozy mystery writer plots…