Современная зарубежная проза на английском языке
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Deception Point
National Reconnaissance Office, Washington: Intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton is summoned by the President of the United States to verify a discovery…
Devil's Star, the (Heroes & Villains)
A young woman is murdered in her flat and a tiny red diamond in the shape of a five-pointed star is…
What if you realized the book you were reading was all about you? 'DISCLAIMER stealthily steals your attention and by the end…
She turns to the future in a world that’s falling apart. The No. 1 New York Times bestseller DIVERGENT – also a…
Doctor No
"Doctor No" - первый роман, экранизированный в официальной "бондиане". После опасного конфликта с советской разведкой легендарный британский агент 007 Джеймс Бонд…
Doctor Sleep
Master of Horror Stephen King returns to the characters and territory of one of his most popular novels ever, The Shining,…
Dolores Claiborne
Dolores Claiborne has a story to tell and you'd better pay attention - or else.
Don't Tell Me What to Do
Тom needed help. So did Masters. At first everything went well. But why had Tom left home? What did Masters do exactly?…
Down to the Woods
If you go down to the woods today The last thing Tom Campbell remembers is camping in the New Forest with…
Dune. The Butlerian Jihad
Frank Herbert's Dune series is one of the grandest epics in the annals of imaginative literature. Selling millions of copies worldwide,…
Dune. The Machine Crusade
From New York Times bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, Dune: The Machine Crusade continues the fantastic saga of…
Easy Prey
Investigating the murder of supermodel Alie'e Maison, Lucas Davenport finds complications in the victim's drug habits and secret sex life, as…
Eat, Pray, Love
Несмотря на все современные атрибуты женского счастья: удачное замужество, роскошный загородный дом, многообещающую карьеру, Элизабет не чувствует себя счастливой. В страстном…
Eclipse. Film Tie-in
The third book in this teen vampire romance series that has proved to be an international publishing phenomenon. Bella?' Edward's soft voice came…
In the small town of Castle Rock word gets around quickly. That's why Scott Carey only confides in his friend Doctor…
Elizabeth is Missing
How do you solve a mystery when you can't remember the clues? Maud is forgetful. She makes a cup of tea and…
End of Watch
For nearly six years, in Room 217 of the Lakes Region Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic, Brady Hartsfield has been in a…
Enigma Variations
From a youthful infatuation with a cabinet maker in a small Italian fishing village, to a passionate yet sporadic affair with…
Entwined with You
The worldwide phenomenon continues as Eva and Gideon face the demons of their pasts and accept the consequences of their obsessive…
Evening in Byzantium
Книга для чтения на английском языке. В романе "Вечер в Византии", написанном в 1973 году, остросоциальная проблематика сочетается с раскрытием нравственных исканий…
Every Breath
'One of the best love stories I have ever read. It made me cry and laugh in equal measures' Reader review 'This…
Every Breath
Hope Anderson is at a crossroads. At 36, she's been dating her boyfriend, an orthopedic surgeon, for six years. With no…
Everything's Eventual
Includes a Dark Tower story entitled 'The Little Sisters of Eluria'. Nothing is quite as it seems. Expect the unexpected in this veritable…
Fahrenheit 451
Роман рисует антиутопическое общество будущего, а по сути - нашу реальность, доведенную до абсурда. Это одно из редких научно-фантастических произведений Брэдбери.…