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The President is Missing
'The dream team delivers big time ... Clinton's insider secrets and Patterson's storytelling genius make this the political thriller of the…
The Prestige
Действие романа происходит в Англии во второй половине XIX века. В центре повествования - соперничество двух успешных иллюзионистов. Профессиональная ревность вынуждает…
The Princess Bride
Beautiful, flaxen-haired Buttercup has fallen for Westley, the farm boy, and when he departs to make his fortune, she vows never…
The Promise
War threatens to take all she has loved and lived for... When Belle Reilly's husband Jimmy enlists and heads for the trenches…
The Punishment She Deserves
Award-winning author Elizabeth George delivers another masterpiece of suspense in her Inspector Lynley series. When a Member of Parliament shows up at…
The Puppet Masters. Уровень B2
История о вторжении на Землю пришельцев с Титана, рассказанная агентом секретной службы США. Действие в романе разворачивается стремительно: инопланетяне-паразиты подчиняют себе волю…
The Queen and I
The Royals, they're just like us... THE MONARCHY HAS BEEN DISMANTLED When a Republican party wins the General Election, their first act in…
The Quiet American
Роман "Тихий американец" (1955), на первый взгляд, посвящен вечной коллизии: на фоне трагических событий в Сайгоне развиваются отношения внутри любовного треугольника…
The Quite Nice and Fairly Accurate Good Omens. Script Book
Neil Gaiman's glorious reinvention of the iconic bestseller Good Omens, adapted from the internationally beloved novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil…
The Rainmaker
The Reformed Vampire Support Group
The trouble with being a vampire is . . . You can't get a decent haircut. You live on guinea-pig blood.…
The Return of the King
The armies of the Dark Lord are massing as his evil shadow spreads ever wider. Men, Dwarves, Elves and Ents unite…
The Reviver
Jonah Miller is a reviver. Part of a forensic investigative team, he is able to wake the recently dead and let…
The Road
A father and his young son walk alone through burned America, heading slowly for the coast. Nothing moves in the ravaged…
The Road to Little Dribbling. More Notes from a Small Island
Twenty years ago, Bill Bryson went on a trip around Britain to celebrate the green and kindly island that had become…
The Robber Bride
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale One of Margaret Atwood's most unforgettable characters lurks at the…
The Rooster Bar
They dreamed of changing the world. Instead they're facing a mountain of debt and no hope of a future. Mark, Todd and…
The Rosie Effect
Forty-one-year-old geneticist Don Tillman had never had a second date before he met Rosie. Now, living in New York City, they…
The Sands of Time
Spain. A land of eternal passion and unceasing bloodshed. From the vengeance of a pitiless tyrant, four women flee the sacred,…
The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic
Издание полностью на английском языке. Rebecca Bloomwood is a journalist. She spends her working life telling others how to manage their money.…
The Shining
Danny is only five years old, but in the words of old Mr Hallorann he is a 'shiner', aglow with psychic…
The Signature of All Things
5 January 1800. At the beginning of a new century, Alma Whittaker is born into a perfect Philadelphia winter. Her father,…
The Sleeper and the Spindle
A thrillingly reimagined fairytale from the truly magical combination of author Neil Gaiman and illustrator Chris Riddell, now available as a…
The Son
SONNY'S ON THE RUN Sonny is a model prisoner. He listens to the confessions of other inmates, and absolves them of their…