Современная зарубежная проза на английском языке
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Sweet Sorrow
One life-changing summer Charlie meets Fran... In 1997, Charlie Lewis is the kind of boy you don't remember in the school photograph. His…
Talented Mr. Ripley
Tom Ripley is struggling to stay one step ahead of his creditors, and the law, when an unexpected acquaintance offers him…
Tales from Shakespeare
The Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb were written to be an 'introduction to the study of Shakespeare', but…
Thanks for the Memories
With her marriage already in pieces, Joyce Conway nearly lost everything else. But she survived the terrible accident that left her…
The Accidental
'My mother began me one evening in 1968 on a table in the cafe of the town's only cinema . .…
The Affirmation
Christopher Priest is the Arthur C. Clarke Award and World Fantasy Award-winning author of THE SEPARATION, THE GLAMOUR, THE DREAM ARCHIPELAGO…
The Aftermath
In the bitter winter of 1946, Rachael Morgan arrives with her only remaining son Edmund in the ruins of Hamburg. Here…
The Apartment
They come together by chance in the heart of New York City, four young women at turning points in their lives.…
The Battle of the Newton Road
The houses in Newton Road are small, but people are very happy there. Then a civil engineer wants to knock down…
The Bedlam Stacks
In uncharted Peru, the holy town of Bedlam stands at the edge of a mysterious forest. Deep within are cinchona trees,…
The Bible. The Biography
The Bible is the most widely distributed book in the world. Translated into over two thousand languages, it is estimated that…
The Blackhouse
A brutal killing takes place on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland: a land of harsh beauty and inhabitants of deep-rooted faith.…
The Body
Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure. When they hear about a dead body in the forest…
The Book of Human Skin
The book of human skin is a large volume with many pages of villainy writ upon it. There are people who are…
The Bourne Identity
После шторма рыбаки находят в Средиземном море неизвестного, тяжело раненного и потерявшего память. Человек без имени, без документов, без прошлого... При…
The Bridges of Madison County
Героиня книги Франческа, мать двоих детей, живёт обычной жизнью со своими устоями и привычками, забыв о детских мечтах и смирившись с…
The Buried Giant
The extraordinary new novel from the author of Never Let Me Go and the Booker Prize winning The Remains of the…
The Butterfly Room
Full of her trademark mix of unforgettable characters and heart-breaking secrets, The Butterfly Room is a spellbinding, multi-generational story from Sunday…
The Caribbean File
British agent Ian Munro goes to the Caribbean. He is looking for two dangerous terrorists. Munro's boss tells him: 'Go. Watch.…
The Catсher in the Rye
Изданный в послевоенное время, роман завоевал писателю безоговорочное признание критиков и любовь поклонников, особенно среди юных читателей. Откровенная история, рассказанная подростком…
The Cellist of Sarajevo
Nominated for the 2014 ERF Language Learner Literature award, Adolescent & Adult Intermediate Category. Sarajevo is under siege. There is little food…
The Cellist of Sarajevo (+CD)
Nominated for the 2014 ERF Language Learner Literature award, Adolescent & Adult Intermediate Category. Sarajevo is under siege. There is little food…
The Children Act
Fiona Maye is a leading High Court judge, presiding over cases in the family court. She is renowned for her fierce…
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia have enchanted millions of readers over the last fifty years and the magical events described in C.S.…