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The Best Of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 2
The name Edgar Allan Poe conjures up thoughts of hearts beating long after their owners are dead, of disease and plague…
The Best Of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 3
The name Edgar Allan Poe conjures up thoughts of hearts beating long after their owners are dead, of disease and plague…
The Best Of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 4
The name Edgar Allan Poe conjures up thoughts of hearts beating long after their owners are dead, of disease and plague…
The Best Of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 5
The name Edgar Allan Poe conjures up thoughts of hearts beating long after their owners are dead, of disease and plague…
The Black Arrow
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, travel writer, and essayist. He was a celebrity during his lifetime for…
The Black Robe
Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. The Black Robe is an 1881 epistolary novel. In this…
The Body Snatcher and Other Tales
Роберт Льюис Стивенсон - известный шотландский писатель и поэт XIX века, автор приключенческих романов и повестей, крупнейший представитель английского неоромантизма. Его…
The Book of Snobs
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satir-ical works such as "Vanity Fair" that…
The Bostonians I
Henry James (1843-1916) was an American author regarded as a key transitional figure between literary realism and literary modernism. This brilliant…
The Bostonians II
Henry James (1843-1916) was an American author regarded as a key transitional figure between literary realism and literary modernism. This brilliant…
The Bravo
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances…
The Bride of Lammermoor
Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession,…
The Burning Spear
John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright. "The Burning Spear" is a work that reveals to the reader a…
The Call of the Wild
Джек Лондон - классик американской литературы, автор ярких, живых приключенческих романов и рассказов. "Зов предков" - один из самых известных и…
The Canterbury Tales
Джеффри Чосер - известный писатель и поэт XV века, "отец английской поэзии", основоположник национальной литературы и художественного английского языка. "Кентерберийские рассказы" -…
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Howard Lovecraft (1890 - 1937) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite…
The Caxtons: A Family Picture 2
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803 - 1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the…
The Chainbearer; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances…
The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satirical works such as "Vanity Fair "…
The Chronic Argonauts, and The Fight in the Lion's
Герберт Уэллс - знаменитый английский писатель рубежа XIX-XX века, яркий представитель критического реализма, автор блестящих научно-фантастических романов и повестей. Представленные в…
The Claverings 1
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was an English novelist of the Victorian era. Among his best-known works is a series of novels collectively…
The Claverings II
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was an English novelist of the Victorian era. Among his best-known works is a series of novels collectively…
The Confidence Man
Герман Мелвилл - легендарный писатель XIX века, моряк и поэт, признанный классик мировой литературы. "Искуситель" - увлекательный роман, который представляет собой, подобно…
The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade
Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick."…