Товары издательства «Pearson»
В результате поиска среди товаров издательства Pearson найдено 433 товара из следующих разделов:
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New Round Up Russia 4. Student's Book. Special Edition
New Round-Up Special Edition c доступом в MyEnglishLab - хорошо знакомая 7-ми уровневая серия пособий по грамматике для школьников теперь с…
New Round Up Russia 5. Student's Book. Special Edition
New Round-Up Special Edition c доступом в MyEnglishLab - хорошо знакомая 7-ми уровневая серия пособий по грамматике для школьников теперь с…
New Round Up Russia 6. Student's Book. Special Edition
New Round-Up Special Edition c доступом в MyEnglishLab - хорошо знакомая 7-ми уровневая серия пособий по грамматике для школьников теперь с…
New Round Up Russia. Starter. Student's Book
New Round-Up c доступом в MyEnglishLab - хорошо знакомая 7-ми уровневая серия пособий по грамматике для школьников теперь с дополнительным онлайн-компонентом.…
New Round-Up. Starter. Грамматика английского языка. Teacher's Book (+CD)
Round-Up Russian Edition - серия пособий по грамматике для школьников 7 уровней сложности, сочетающих игры с системным изучением грамматики. - Красочные…
New Zealand Adventure Bonus Titles Pack 1
Jan Thorburn. A New Zealand Adventure Sarah and Jessica arrive in New Zealand for a holiday. They find a mobile phone in…
Notting Hill
Anna Scott is an American film star. She is rich, beautiful and very famous. William Thacker is a shy man who…
Opportunities Russia. Beginner. Language Powerbook
All skills strategies focus on exam type tasks and there are specific exam zones in the Language Powerbook which should ensure…
Opportunities Russia. Intermediate. Students' Book
In every unit:- Topics that attract older students- Clear introduction of objectives- Introductory vocabulary right from the start- Solid grammar syllabus…
His family name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento but people call him "Pele". He is the number one player in the…
Picture of Dorian Gray (+CD)
An artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that…
Presidents of Mount Rushmore (+ CD)
From the top of Mount Rushmore, the heads of four U.S. presidents look down on the world below: George Washington, Thomas…
Project Omega (+CD)
Charles Hatfield Baker III, one of the richest men in New York City, suddenly disappears. His daughter, Julia, wants to find…
Psycho (+CD)
Marion’s dream is coming true. She only needs a room for one more night before she can marry Sam. Driving through…
Rainbow Serpent (+ CD)
In an old Australian story, the Rainbow Serpent opened her eyes and looked at the young Earth. There were no animals…
Robinson Cruso (+CD)
Robinson Crusoe is at sea when there is a great storm. His ship goes down, and his friends die. The sea…
Sadie's Big Day at the Office
The team arrives for another day at the office. The workers are happy, but their bosses have a surprise for them. Is…
Shakespeare – His Life and Plays
Shakespeare’s plays are famous all over the world – in the theatre, in film and in the classroom. What do we…
Snow Falling on Cedars
It is 1954 and Kabuo Miyamoto is on trial for murder. He is a Japanese American living on the island of…
Sons and Lovers (+3CD)
This moving story follows the emotional development of Paul Morel. Paul is torn between his passionate love for his mother and…
Speakout. Advanced. Coursebook with DVD
Lessons are designed to consolidate language and act as a springboard for further speaking and writing tasks. Each unit follows the pattern: -…
Speakout. Advanced. Coursebook with DVD & MyEnglishLab access code
Lessons are designed to consolidate language and act as a springboard for further speaking and writing tasks. Each unit follows the pattern: -…
Speakout. Advanced. Workbook with Key
Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide…
Speakout. Advanced. Workbook without Key
Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwide…