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Daisy the Dinosaur
In the first of two stories, baby Daisy emerges from a dinosaur egg. The second story shows how she always manages…
Salvador Dali (1904-89) is one of the most controversial and paradoxical artists of the twentieth century. A painter of considerable virtuosity,…
Genius, eccentric, exhibitionist: There is no shortage of adjectives to describe the great surrealist painter Salvador Dali (1904–1989). Yet this iconic…
Dali. The Reality of Dreams
Now available again, this fascinating look at Dali explores the forces that shaped the life and works of one of the…
Dalla parte di Bailey
Immagina un cane che non muore mai. Immagina un cane che si reincarna in diverse vite e se le ricorda tutte.…
Dame de pique
" La porte s'ouvrit...Une femme en blanc avanca de son pas glissant et se dressa devant li ; Hermann reconnut la…
Dances with Wolves = Танцующий с волками
По признанию автора - американского сценариста и прозаика Майкла Блейка - идея написания книги принадлежит не ему, а его другу -…
Dandelion Wine
Ностальгическая книга "Вино из одуванчиков" (1957) особняком стоит в творчестве писателя. Это рассказ о событиях лета 1928 года в тихом городке…
Dandelion Wine
The summer of '28 was a vintag season for a growing boy. A summer of green apple trees, mowed lawns, and…
Dandelion Wine
Вниманию читателя предлагается роман Рэя Брэдбери "Вино из одуванчиков", который можно назвать одним из самых "летних" произведений мировой литературы. Издание содержит адаптированный…
Danger! And Other Stories
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. "Danger! And…
Danger on Misty Mountain
Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written…
Daniel Radcliffe
We all know Daniel Radcliffe's face from the Harry Potter films. But how did he get the job? Did he always…
Danse Macabre
It was not long after Halloween when Stephen King received a telephone call from his editor. 'Why don't you do a…
Dans un Mois Dans un An
В центре романа - любовный треугольник с нестандартными, запутанными отношениями составляющих его лиц. Издание ориентировано на самый широкий круг читателей.
Daphnis and Chloe
'This only they knew, that the kiss had destroyed him and the bath had destroyed her.' In this beautiful Ancient Greek…
Dark Avenues
One of the great achievements of twentieth-century Russian emigre literature, Dark Avenues - translated here for the first time into English…
Dark Avenues
Предлагаем знаменитый сборник рассказов нобелевского лауреата Ивана Алексеевича Бунина на английском языке в переводе Хью Аплина. Сборник "Темные аллеи" (1937-1944) был…
Dark Half
Creating George Stark was easy. Getting rid of him won't be . . . The sparrows are flying again. The idea -…
Darkness and Glory
Эмили Бронте - это одна из самых ярких английских поэтесс и писательниц XIXвека, средняя из сестёр Бронте, произведения которой отличаются глубоким…
Darkness, Be My Friend
Darkness is the friend and enemy of those who hunt by night. Ellie and her friends have found safety after months…
Dark Tower: Gunslinger: Battle of Tull (comics)
In a saloon in the town of Tull, the last gunslinger is approached by a bizarre figure that has a message…
Dark Tower I: Gunslinger (revised & expanded)
In this first novel in his epic fantasy masterpiece, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland…
Das Dritte Testament. Band 1. Markus
August 1307. Der Inquisitor Conrad von Marburg wird vom Erzbischof Esenor gerufen, um eine seltsame Angelgenheit zu klaren: Alle Monche des…