Литература на иностранном языке для детей
- Билингвы для детей66
- Литература на английском языке для детей3024
- Литература на других языках для детей67
- Литература на немецком языке для детей75
- Литература на французском языке для детей113
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году издания
A Gingerbread Christmas (board book)
A sweet holiday treat! Get ready for the holidays by joining mama and baby bear as they bake gingerbread men! A…
A History of Ferrari Activity Book
Ferrari cars are some of the fastest cars on Earth! Learn how Enzo Ferrari started his racing team, and how that…
A is for Ant
A beautifully illustrated board book for babies that introduces the first letter of the alphabet with help from some adorable ants. Take…
Aladdin. Activity Book
A magician sent Aladdin down into a well to find a magic lamp. Then, the magician moved a stone over the…
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp
Любимая детская сказка с яркими иллюстрациями для чтения на английском языке. Адресуется дошкольникам и младшим школьникам, изучающим английский язык.…
Aladdin & His Magical Lamp (+CD)
A classic story re-told with easy-reading text for children who have just started reading on their own. When Aladdin meets his…
Ali and his Camera (+CD)
Ali wants to take photos of people and places in Istanbul, but he has a big problem. He hasn’t got a…
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written…
Alice hinter den Spiegeln
Im Land hinter dem Spiegel begegnet Alice seltsamen Gestalten: dem Ei Humpty Dumpty, dem strickenden Schaf oder den garstigen Schachkoniginnen. Mit…
Alice in Wonderland
Following a white rabbit, Alice arrives in a fantastic world populated by bizarre and outlandish characters. Among playing cards, vanishings cats…
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
Прекрасная сказка о путешествии и волшебных приключениях девочки Алисы. Эта книга трудно переводима на другие языки. Она вся построена на игре…
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
In 1862 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a shy Oxford mathematician with a stammer, created a story about a little girl tumbling down…
Alice in Wonderland (+CD)
Attractive retelling of Lewis Carroll's story with evocative illustrations. Clear, engaging text to encourage independent reading with direct speech and speech bubbles. Part…
Alice in Wonderland. Level 2 (+CDmp3)
One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit-hole - and…
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Книга на английском языке со словарем
Сказка "Алиса в Стране чудес" английского писателя, математика и философа, которого мы знаем под литературным псевдонимом Льюис Кэрролл, - одна из…
Alice's Wonderland Tea Party
Alice wants her tea party to be perfect. Not silly like the Mad Hatter's. No growing or shrinking, or - WAIT…
Alice Through the Looking-Glass. Книга на английском языке со словарем
"Алиса в Зазеркалье", которая была опубликована в 1871 году как продолжение "Алисы в Стране чудес", - одна из самых известных книг,…
A Little Alphabet
Oliver Jeffers - award-winning, international bestselling author and illustrator - brings the alphabet to life in this exquisite board book! From Astronaut…
All About Peppa
This cute Peppa-shaped board book is the perfect introduction to Peppa Pig. Meet Peppa's family and friends and find out all…
All Around Me
These beautiful and interactive vocabulary books help kids learn to describe their world.
All the Way Home
Daddy Penguin has to look after the egg while Mummy is finding fish. But he wanders away from the Dad Huddle…
Alphabet Book. Level 1
An introduction to the alphabet for beginner readers. Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories,…
Alphabet Book. Level 1. Activity Book
This Activity Book accompanies the Reader. It provides practice of key language structures and vocabulary,while developing a range of skills: singing,…
Alphabet chart
Reproducible pages on the back of each chart! Plastic-coated for color-fastness and durability! Write-on, wipe-off surface!