Литература на английском языке
- Нехудожественная литература на английском языке794
- Путеводители на английском языке26
- Художественная литература на англ. языке4176
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The Pickwick Papers
Издание на английском языке. Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения. The Pickwick Papers is Dickens first novel and widely regarded as one of the major…
The Pickwick Papers
Чарльз Диккенс - один из самых известных писателей Англии XIX века. Мастерство владения языком, умение строить сюжет и наполнять его незабываемыми…
The Pickwick Papers I
This novel, written when Dickens was only 25 years old, immediately brought him immense popularity. Presenting a host of now-classic characters…
The Pickwick Papers I
Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. The Pickwick Papers, written when Dickens was only 25 years old, immediately…
The Pickwick Papers II
This novel, written when Dickens was only 25 years old, immediately brought him immense popularity. Presenting a host of now-classic characters…
The Pickwick Papers II
Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. The Pickwick Papers, written when Dickens was only 25 years old, immediately…
The Picture of Dorian Gray
“Портрет Дориана Грея” - лучшее прозаическое произведение блестящего виртуоза слова и неподражаемого стилиста английской литературы Оскара Уайльда. В основе сюжета трагическая…
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Оскар Уайльд (1854-1900) - всемирно известный писатель, классик английской литературы. Философский роман "Портрет Дориана Грея" (1891) - единственное крупное прозаическое произведение…
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Книги серии "Читаем на английском языке в оригинале" — это любимые всеми произведения мировых классиков, представленные на языке оригинала. Вы сможете…
The Picture of Dorian Gray
When the beautiful young Dorian Gray sees his portrait, he understands that it will remain beautiful forever and that he will…
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Wilde's first and only published novel recounts the story of handsome Dorian Gray who upon having his portrait painted desires that…
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Dorian Gray is young, arrogant, and devastatingly handsome. Confronted by his beauty in the form of a portrait, and struck by…
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Level 3) +audio
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new…
The Pilgrims of the Rhine
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803 - 1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the…
The Pilgrim's Progress
Джон Баньян - известный английский писатель, баптистский проповедник XVII века. "Путешествие Пилигрима в Небесную Страну" представляет собой не только одно из…
The Pilot. A Tale of the Sea
In 1823, Cooper began writing The Pilot, which he saw as a sea novel that seamen would appreciate for its fidelity…
The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances…
The Pioneers
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances…
The Pirate
Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession,…
The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists
I've been thinking of an adventure more along the lines of pearl-smuggling in the South Seas or discovering a lost continent.…
The Planter of Malata
Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. Though he…
The Plays of Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde took London by storm with his first comedy, Lady Windermere's Fan. The combination of dazzling wit, subtle social criticism,…
The Poems 1
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of…
The Poems 2
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of…