Литература на английском языке
- Нехудожественная литература на английском языке794
- Путеводители на английском языке26
- Художественная литература на англ. языке4176
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The Hunchback Notre-Dame
Ugly and unwanted by the outside world, Quasimodo the hunchback lives under the protection of the priest in the Cathedral of…
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn't want to…
The Idiot
Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland. As he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and financial intrigues…
The Idiot
Includes pictures and an extensive section on Dostoevsky's life and works. After spending several years in a sanatorium recovering from an illness…
The Idiot
The Idiot is a remarkable literary feat; a true accomplishment. It not only shows and represents true human complexity, but it…
The Importance Of Being Earnest
Оскар Уайльд - английский писатель, досконально изучивший все подводные камни семейной жизни. В трех самых известных своих пьесах ("Веер леди Уиндермир",…
The Importance of Being Earnest (+CD)
Gwendolen thinks that she loves Ernest. Cecily thinks that she loves Ernest too. But who is Ernest really? What kind of…
The Inferno
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is one of the most important and innovative figures of the European Middle Ages. Writing his Comedy (the…
The Innocent Man
In the town of Ada, Oklahoma, Ron Williamson was going to be the next Mickey Mantle. But on his way to…
The Innocents Abroad 2
Mark Twain (1835-1910) was an American writer, journalist, and publisher. Among his most famous novels are "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"…
The Innocents Abroad I
Mark Twain (1835-1910) was an American writer, journalist, and publisher. Among his most famous novels are "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"…
The Interpretation of Dreams
Translated by A.A. Brill With an Introduction by Stephen Wilson. Sigmund Freud's audacious masterpiece, The Interpretation of Dreams, has never ceased…
The Interrogator
Spring, 1941. The armies of the Reich are masters of Europe. Britain stands alone, dependent on her battered navy for survival,…
The Invention of Wings
From the celebrated author of The Secret Life of Bees, a #1 New York Times bestselling novel about two unforgettable American…
The Invisible Man
Читателям предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст популярного научно-фантастического романа Герберта Уэллса "Человек-невидимка". Рекомендуется в качестве пособия для домашнего чтения.
The invisible man
Книга содержит сокращенный и упрощенный текст романа Г. Дж. Уэллса (1866-1946) "Человек-невидимка". Книга дополнена упражнениями, комментариями и словарем. Предназначается для продолжающих…
The Invisible Man
Серия English Fiction Collection состоит из лучших произведений английских и американских авторов. Читая книгу на языке оригинала, вы не только обогатите…
The Invisible Man
With his face swaddled in bandages, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses and his hands covered even indoors, Griffin - the…
The Invisible Man. The Time Machine
В сборник вошли два фантастических произведения английского писателя Герберта Уэллса: "Человек-невидимка" (1897) и "Машина времени" (1895), в которых он пытается предсказать…
The Iron Heel
Джек Лондон - классик американской литературы, автор яркий романов и рассказов, покоривших сердца читателей по всему миру. "Железная пята" - трагический…
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Герберт Уэллс - знаменитый английский писатель рубежа XIX-XX века, яркий представитель критического реализма, автор блестящих научно-фантастических романов и повестей. "Остров доктора…
The Island of Doctor Moreau
Herbert George Wells (1866 - 1946) was an English writer. He was prolific in many genres, writing doz-ens of novels, short…
The Island of Doctor Moreau & Other Works
Moreau's highly controversial methods and ambitions conflict with the religious, moral and scientific norms of his day and Wells later called…