Литература на английском языке
- Нехудожественная литература на английском языке794
- Путеводители на английском языке26
- Художественная литература на англ. языке4176
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The History of Pendennis 1
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satirical works such as "Vanity Fair" that…
The History of Pendennis 2
William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist mostly known for his satirical works such as "Vanity Fair" that…
The History Of The Remarkable Life of J. Sheppard & Atlantis Major
John Sheppard was a notorious English robber and thief of early 18th-century London. Born into a poor family, he was apprenticed…
The History of Tom Jones
Генри Филдинг - английский писатель и драматург XVIII века, известный своим житейским юмором и сатирическим мастерством, один из основоположников реалистического романа. "История…
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. Part 1
Henry Fielding (1707-1754) was an English novelist and dramatist known for his rich, earthy humour and satirical prowess. "The History of…
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Однажды невезучий англичанин Артур Дент чудом спасается от неминуемой гибели благодаря своему другу Форду Префекту, оказавшемуся инопланетянином. Планета Земля стёрта с…
The Hobbit
The classic bestseller behind this year's biggest movie, this film tie-in edition features the complete story of Bilbo Baggins' adventures in…
The Hobbit
The Hobbit is the unforgettable story of Bilbo, a peace-loving hobbit, who embarks on a strange and magical adventure. A timeless classic. Bilbo…
The Hobbit or There and Back Again
Special collector's film tie-in hardback of the best-selling classic, featuring the complete story with a sumptuous cover design inspired by THE…
The Horror of the Heights. Книга на английском языке со словарем
Повесть выдающегося британского писателя сэра Артура Конан Дойла "Ужас высот" была опубликована в 1913 году, когда авиация только зарождалась, и, естественно,…
The Horse Whisperer. Уровень В2
Первые тревожные нотки слышатся уже в самом начале повествования, хотя ничего ещё не предвещает страшной трагедии, которой суждено произойти в недалёком…
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Одно из наиболее известных произведений классика детективного жанра мировой литературы А. Конан Дойля. Книга рассчитана на самый широкий круг читателей и…
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Английский писатель Артур Конан Дойл вошёл в историю как создатель и автор цикла рассказов и повестей о Великом Сыщике - Шерлоке…
The Hound Of The Baskervilles
Murder, mayhem, and a hero with a drug addiction! A desolate moor, a diabolical dog, and some inbred locals… Sherlock Holmes is really…
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles is the tale of an ancient curse suddenly given a terrifying modern application. The grey towers…
The Hound of the Baskervilles
This is an Elementary-level adaptation of The Hound of the Baskervilles written by the famous Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for the…
The Hound of the Baskervilles and His Last Bow
Complete in five handsome volumes, each with an introduction by a Doyle scholar, a chronology, a selected bibliography, and explanatory notes,…
The Hound of the Baskervilles and His Last Bow
Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also…
The Hound of the Baskervilles (+MP3)
Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People…
The House by the Churchyard
The House by the Churchyard is a novel by Sheridan Le Fanu published in 1863 that combines elements of the mystery…
The House of Mirth
Edith Wharton (1862-1937) was an American novelist and short story writer. Her works show the lives of people of the late…
The House of the Dead
The House of the Dead recounts the story of Alexander Goryanchikov, a gentleman who is sent to a prison colony in…
The Human Drift
Jack London was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he…
The Human Drift and Brown Wolf and Other Stories
Jack London was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he…