Литература на английском языке
- Нехудожественная литература на английском языке794
- Путеводители на английском языке26
- Художественная литература на англ. языке4176
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Salvador Dali
Painter, sculptor, writer, filmmaker, and all-round showman Salvador Dali (1904-1989) was one of the 20th century's greatest exhibitionists and eccentrics. One…
Sam Lawson's Oldtown Fireside Stories
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which…
Santa Baby
Angel Summer is Katie's most popular character. We first met her when she was Britain's No 1 glamour model in Katie's…
Santa Sticker and Colouring Book
It's Christmas time and Santa is very busy! There are lots of things to colour and stickers to add to every…
Santa Sticker Fun
This wonderful Christmas sticker activity book illustrated by Ag Jatkowska is sure to delight little ones at Christmas time. Packed with…
Winter, 1916. In St Petersburg, snow is falling in a country on the brink of revolution. Beautiful and headstrong, Sashenka Zeitlin…
Satanstoe; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts. A Tale of the Colony
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances…
Satanstoe; or, The Littlepage Manuscripts
James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances…
Scarlet Feather
They met in cooking school and became fast friends with a common dream. Now Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather hope to…
School Buildings
Безопасность, гибкость проектного решения и доступность – вот основные требования, предъявляемые сегодня к архитектуре школ. Практическое пособие анализирует успешные реализованные проекты…
Science Fiction Stories
This collection brings together five stories which explores a range of perspectives within the genre of science fiction. From space travel…
Sea Prayer
On a moonlit beach a father cradles his sleeping son as they wait for dawn to break and a boat to…
Secret Footballer: What Goes on Tour
Since his first book was published in 2012, The Secret Footballer has been able to take the reader behind the scenes…
Secrets of the Fire Sea
A tale of high adventure and derring-do set in the same Victorian-style world as the acclaimed The Court of the Air…
Secret Vice. Tolkien on Invented Languages
First ever critical study of Tolkien's little-known essay, which reveals how language invention shaped the creation of Middle-earth and beyond, to…
Selected Poems
William Blake was an engraver, painter and visionary mystic as well as one of the most revolutionary of the Romantic poets.…
Selected Poetry
Shortlisted For The Read Russia Prize 2020 Alexander Pushkin established what we know as Russian literature. This collection includes his strongly personal…
Selected Prose
Один из самых значительных и самых загадочных американских писателей прошлого века. Уроженец Нью-Йорка, ярко заявивший о себе вскоре после Второй Мировой…
Selected Short Stories by D.H. Lawrence
Four stories written by one of the greatest writers of twentieth-century English literature.
Selected Stories
Anton Chekhov was a master of the short story. The son of a former serf in southern Russia, he attended Moscow…
The self as a subject is one of the most fascinating and fruitful of artistic enterprises. From the 15th century to…
Sense and Sensibility
Первый опубликованный роман знаменитой английской писательницы Джейн Остен представляет собой комедию нравов Англии конца XVIII - начала XIX века. Две сестры,…
Sense and sensibility
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст романа Джен Остен "Разум и чувствительность" (1811). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами английского языка…
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility was first published anonymously in 1811. The novel tells the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, both…