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Round the Red Lamp and The Captain of the Polestar
Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also…
Roxana. The Fortunate Mistress
A vivid satire on a dissolute society, Roxana is a devastating evocation of the ways in which vanity and ambition can…
Roxana. The Fortunate Mistress
Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, pamphleteer and journalist. He is most famous for his novel "Robinson Crusoe", which is…
Омар Хайям - великий персидский философ, поэт, астроном XI века. Рубаи - одна из самых сложных жанровых форм таджикско-персидской поэзии. Объём рубаи…
Rubens. Masters of Art
Arguably the greatest artist of the Baroque period, Peter Paul Rubens was an accomplished painter and draughtsman, as well as a…
Rules for Modern Life. A Connoisseur's Survival Guide
Do gentlemen wear shorts? What are the rules regarding interior decor in a high-security prison? Is it ever acceptable to send…
Rum Diary: Screenplay (Film Tie-In)
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOHNNY DEPP. A screenplay based on the novel by Hunter S. Thompson. It's 1960. In a highrise…
Ruslan and Lyudmila
In order to rescue his beloved Lyudmila, who has been abducted by the evil wizard Chernomor, the warrior Ruslan faces an…
Russian company law: the essentials
This publication is intended to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. However, this publication is…
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia. Volume 2
Danzig Baldaev's father was an academic, an ethnologist who found himself imprisoned under Soviet rule as an enemy of the people.…
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia. Volume 3
This volume of drawings and photographs completes the Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia trilogy. Danzig Baldaev’s unparallelled ethnographic achievement, documenting more than…
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia. Volume 1
The photographs, drawings and texts published in this book are part of a collection of more than 3000 tattoos accumulated over…
Russian Eighteenth-Century Furniture in the Hermitage Collection
The collection of Russian paintings at the State Hermitage contains around 3,000 items. Over a half of them are portraits, which…
Russian Magic Tales from Pushkin to Platonov
'She turned into a frog, into a lizard, into all kinds of other reptiles and then into a spindle' In these tales,…
Russian Short Stories from Pushkin to Buida
From the reign of the Tsars in the early 19th century to the collapse of the Soviet Union and beyond, the…
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Even though a fallen woman would seem a less-than-ideal…
Sad Cypress
Beautiful young Elinor Carlisle stood serenely in the dock, accused of the murder of Mary Gerrard, her rival in love. The…
Sadie's Big Day at the Office
The team arrives for another day at the office. The workers are happy, but their bosses have a surprise for them. Is…
Saint-Petersburg and Its Environs
Красочный и информативный альбом "Санкт-Петербург и пригороды" познакомит вас с главными достопримечательностями удивительного по красоте города Санкт-Петербурга и его пригорода, расскажет…
Saint-Petersburg and Its Environs
Красочный и информативный альбом "Санкт-Петербург и пригороды" познакомит вас с главными достопримечательностями удивительного по красоте города Санкт-Петербурга и его пригорода, расскажет…
Saint-Petersburg for vizitors. City plan 1:44000, Centre 1:13000
Карта разработана специально для гостей Санкт-Петербурга. Нанесены все объекты города, вызывающие интерес у туристов. Показаны наиболее известные памятники архитектуры исторического центра…
Saint's Progress
John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright. The novel "Saint's Progress" tells about spiritual problems. This is a classic…
Sakhalin Island
In 1890, the thirty-year-old Chekhov, already knowing that he was ill with tuberculosis, undertook an arduous eleven-week journey from Moscow across…
'Salem's Lot
Turn off the television - in fact, why don't you turn off all the lights except for the one over your…