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- Нехудожественная литература на английском языке794
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- Художественная литература на англ. языке4176
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Peter Pan
The night that Peter Pan flies into the Darling children's nursery is the night that magic flies into their lives. It's…
Peter Pan
Сказочная повесть Дж. Барри "Питер Пэн" (1904) - одна из самых любимых и читаемых книг англо-американской детворы и их родителей. В…
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Сказка Джеймса Мэтью Барри об удивительном мальчике, который отказывается взрослеть, дружит с феями и живёт в Неверландии, остаётся одним из величайших…
Peter Rabbit. The Peter Rabbit Club
Peter and his friends decide to form the Peter Rabbit Club! Who do the rabbits meet on the club's first adventure? For…
Andrei Bely's Petersburg is a colourful evocation of Russia's capital during the short, turbulent period of the first socialist revolution in…
Petersburg Tales
Written in the 1830s and early 1840s, these comic stories tackle life behind the cold and elegant faade of the imperial…
Pet Sematary
Now a major motion picture 'Sometimes...dead is better' The house looks right, feels right to Dr Louis Creed. Rambling, old and comfortable. A…
Peveril of the Peak 1
Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession,…
Peveril of the Peak 2
Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession,…
Phantom of the Opera
The singers and dancers at the Opera House are frightened. They have seen a stranger behind the stage - a man…
A tale of an abandoned town and the unimaginable truth behind its silence... Now with a new afterword, Dean Koontz explains…
Pharmacology. Part 1. Workbook
This workbook has been specifi cally designed for foreign students of Russian medical schools who study pharmacology. It is supposed to…
Photographs. Sasha Gusov
Sasha Gusov is a Russian photographer based in London. Introduced to the medium by his uncle, he begun taking photographs at…
Physical examination of children. Tutorial
The tutorial presents the methodology of the physical examination of children of various age groups starting from history taking, general examination…
The name which predominates in the development of art throughout the twentieth century, and to which many of the revolutionary changes…
Picasso. The Absinthe Drinker, mini
Each masterpiece in the series is a fascinating art-history novella and, at the same time, an invitation to the following tale,…
Picture of Dorian Gray
With an Introduction and Notes by John M.L. Drew, University of Buckingham. Wilde's only novel, first published in 1890, is a brilliantly…
Picture of Dorian Gray
Dorian is a good-natured young man until he discovers the power of his own exceptional beauty. As he gradually sinks deep…
Picture of Dorian Gray (+CD)
An artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that…
Pierre: or, The Ambiguities
Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick".…
Pieter Bruegel
The great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/31-1569) was an astoundingly inventive painter and draftsman, who made his art…
Pink and White Tyranny
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She is best known for her novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which…
"But I am not like other boys! I always tell the truth." The story of Pinocchio has remained one of the best-loved…
Pinocchio, The Tale Of A Puppet
Карло Коллоди - это всемирно известный итальянский писатель и журналист, известный прежде всего своей детской сказкой "Приключения Пиноккио. История деревянной куклы".…