Литература на английском языке
- Нехудожественная литература на английском языке794
- Путеводители на английском языке26
- Художественная литература на англ. языке4176
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году издания
A Group of Noble Dames
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an English novelist and poet. "A Group Of Noble Dames" is great short story collection, which includes…
A Handful of Dust
'It would be a dull world if we all thought alike.' After seven years of marriage, the beautiful Lady Brenda Last…
A Hero of Our Time
Предлагаем вниманию читателей роман великого русского писателя и поэта М.Ю.Лермонтова "Герой нашего времени", написанный в 1838-1840 годах. Печорин - представитель последекабристского…
A Hero of Our Time
On his travels through the wild mountainous terrain of the Caucasus, the narrator of A Hero of Our Time chances upon…
A History of Ferrari Activity Book
Ferrari cars are some of the fastest cars on Earth! Learn how Enzo Ferrari started his racing team, and how that…
A History of New York
Washington Irving (1783 - 1859) was an American short story writer, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat of the early 19th century.…
A History of Photography. From 1839 to the Present
George Eastman's career developed in a particularly American way. The founder of Kodak progressed from a delivery boy to one of…
A Journal of the Plague Year and The Storm
Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, pamphleteer and journalist. He is most famous for his novel "Robinson Crusoe", which is…
Available for the first time as a paperback picture book, this exquisitely illustrated re-telling of "Aladdin" is a must for any…
Alcohol. Soviet Anti-Alcohol Poster
Soviet propaganda against the demon drink: the latest in Fuel’s Russian pop culture series From the acclaimed authors of the Russian Criminal…
A Legend of Montrose
Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright. Although he was an advocate and legal administrator by profession,…
Aleksander Konstantinov
Настоящее издание - это полный каталог проектов современного русского художника Александра Константинова, созданные им для городских и ландшафтных пространств в 2002-2006…
Aleksandr and the Mysterious Knightkat
'Welcome readers of all sizes! I think you are opening this very special book with feeling of great excitement. It has…
Alexander Ponomarev
Александра Пономарева иногда называют "современным маринистом". Отчасти это верно: главная область интереса автора - океан. Погружаясь в воду, где он обычно…
Alexey Shchusev Architect of Stalin's Empire Style
Alexey Shchusev (1873?–?1949) was one of the very few architects who managed to rise to the top of the architectural hierarchy…
Alias Grace (TV tie-in)
Now a 6-part Netflix original mini-series: in Alias Grace, the bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale takes readers into the life…
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written…
Alice im Wunderland
Mathematiker Charles Dodgson 1865 unter dem Pseudonym Lewis Carroll 'Alice?s Adventures in Wonderland' veroffentlicht, wird eines der beruhmtesten Kinderbucher der Welt…
Alice in Wonderland
When Alice follows a white rabbit down a hole she discovers the extraordinary world of Wonderland, where a magical adventure begins.…
Alice in Wonderland. Activity Book. Level 4
Alice felt very, very tired. She followed the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole, and met a caterpillar, and the Queen…
Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
This edition contains "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and its sequel "Through the Looking-Glass". It is illustrated throughout by Sir John Tenniel,…
Alice, or the Mysteries
Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the early growth…
Alice's Adventures in Woderland
Вы держите в руках уникальное издание книги Льюиса Кэролла «Алиса в Стране Чудес» на языке оригинала с потрясающими рисунками Джона Тенниела…
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Вниманию читателей предлагаются самые известные произведения Кэрролла - повести-сказки "Алиса в Стране Чудес" (1865) и "Алиса в Зазеркалье" (1871), в которых,…