L'italiano per la cucina + online audio

This course in Italian language and cuisine - for high beginner and lower intermediate level students of Italian - presents 12 original and simple stories, each dedicated to a classic Italian recipe. Each short story is accompanied by a picture glossary plus a rich and structured unit of exercises and activities. Each unit helps students gain competence in using cooking-related language, while introducing them to interesting facts about the origins of typical recipes, the Italian proverbs and idiomatic expressions connected with food, and the art of traditional Italian cuisine! The book comes with free online access to audio readings of the stories and the recipes, audio tracks for the listening exercises, plus a selection of videos for the recipes. Answers to all the activities are provided at the back of the book.
Печатное издание имеет сертификаты качества и безопасности и соответствует нормам санитарной гигиены. Гарантийное обязательство также прилагается. Действует дисконтная накопительная система, а также корпоративная скидка 10% на заказ от 20 шт. На странице офомления заказа будет отражена более подробная информация о стоимости доставки в ваш регион и о вашей личной скидке.

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