Книжный раздел
- Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках9992
- Книги для детей32251
- Комиксы, Манга, Артбуки2975
- Молодежная литература1551
- Нехудожественная литература76235
- Периодические издания994
- Религия6940
- Учебная, методическая литература и словари37207
- Художественная литература36476
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A Skinful of Shadows
Shortlisted for Waterstones Book of the Year 2017. 'A Skinful of Shadows confirms Hardinge's status as one of our finest storytellers. It's…
A Squash and a Squeeze
What do you do when your house is a squash and a squeeze? Make it feel even smaller! Enjoy this classic…
A Squash and a Squeeze
''Wise old man, won't you help me, please? My house is a squash and squeeze.'' A little old lady lives all…
A Squash and a Squeeze Sticker Book
Join the little old lady and her animal friends in this must-have sticker book based on the bestselling picture book A…
A Stranger in Mirror
Toby Temple is a super star and a super bastard, a man adored by his fans and plagued by suspicion and…
A Study Guide to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Учебное пособие по аналитическому чтению
Пособие содержит комплекс заданий, которые призваны помочь учащимся ознакомиться с шедевром мировой литературы, преодолеть трудности, связанные с чтением неадаптированного произведения на…
A Tale of Two Cities
Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения. A Tale of Two Cities (1859), Dickens' greatest historical novel, traces the private lives of a group of…
A Tale of Two Cities
Lucie Manette had been separated from her father for eighteen years while he languished in Paris's most feared prison, the Bastille.…
A Terrible Beauty Is Born
'But I, being poor, have only my dreams; / I have spread my dreams under your feet...' By turns joyful and…
Atlas illustre. Livre Rabats
Notre merveilleuse planete regorge de beaux batiments, d'animaux exotiques et de sites fabuleux. Pour savoir ou ils se trouvent dans le…
At the Mountains of Madness
'To that flash of semi-vision can be traced a full half of the horror which has ever since haunted us' An…
A Walk to Remember
There was a time when the world was sweeter... when the women in Beaufort, North Carolina, wore dresses, and the men…
Awesome Words Stickers (180)
Recognize student achievement with these colorful must-have mini stickers. Each measures approximately 1.9x1.9 cm.
A World of Plants
A stunningly illustrated guide to the fascinating world of plants and botanical history. Discover incredible facts and marvel at what plants can…
Axel Scheffler's Flip Flap Jungle
What do you get if you cross a gorilla with a chameleon? Yes, that would be an goeleon! And how about…
Axel the Truck. Speed Track (My First I Can Read)
Learn to read with Axel the Truck! Axel is a little red truck with big wheels and big dreams. In this My…
Baby Animals
This fun baby book of first words will help teach your little one about adorable baby animals. With bright, clear pictures…
Baby Beetles. Уровень 1. Zoom (+DVD+CD)
Как увлечь ребенка изучением английского языка? При помощи: - увлекательной анимации; - симпатичных персонажей; - веселой музыки - порции доброго юмора. Все это вы найдете в серии…
Baby Land. Одежда и аксессуары для самых маленьких. Спицы и крючок
Носочки и пинетки, шапочки, накидки, жакеты, джемпера, комбинезоны - любую одежду для грудничков, а также покрывала, коврики и другие аксессуары для…
Baby's Christmas
A cherished Christmas classic is back in print to delight the next generation of Little Golden Books readers! What did Santa leave…
Bag of Bones
There is a reason why Stephen King is one of the bestselling writers in the world, ever. Described by Robert McCrum…
Bear and Hare Go Fishing
Bear and Hare are off on a fishing trip, with nets and rods at the ready. Bear loves fishing! Hare seems…
Beatlemania. Four Photographers on the Fab Four
The Beatles ascended like no band before, hurtling to the dizzy heights of international stardom in the early 1960s. Their counter-cultural…
Send your darling off to dreamland in the sweetest way possible with this interactive touch and feel book about bedtime! Help your…