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Impact 2 Workbook with Workbook Audio CD
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship, and…
Impact 3. Student's Book
Impact helps teenage learners (Lower Secondary) to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global…
Impact 3. Workbook (+CD)
Impact helps teenage learners (Lower Secondary) to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global…
Impact 4 Student's Book (British English)
Impact helps teenage learners (Lower Secondary) to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global…
Impact 4. Student's Book (+ online Workbook PAC)
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship,…
Impact 4: Workbook + WB Audio CD
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship,…
Impact BrE 1 SB + online WB PAC
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship,…
Impact Foundation Grammar Book. A1
Impact helps teenage learners (Lower Secondary) to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression,…
Impact Foundation Student's Book (British English)
Impact helps teenage learners (Lower Secondary) to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global…
Impact Foundation. Workbook (+2CD)
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship,…
Eine deutsche Sudseeballade In "Imperium" erzahlt Christian Kracht eine Aussteigergeschichte in den deutschen Kolonien der Sudsee, indem er virtuos und gut gelaunt…
Imperium. Философия истории и политики
Данное произведение создано в русле цивилизационного подхода к истории, за О. Шпенглером Фрэнсис Паркер Йоки считал цивилизацию поздним этапом развития любой…
Importance of Being Earnest
The Macmillan Graded Readers series is one of the most popular simplified readers for learners of English. The series is published…
Discover how scenes of daily life and delicate dabs of color shocked the art world establishment. In this TASCHEN Basic Art introduction…
Impressionism. Coloring Book
The Coloring Book with beautiful Impressionist pictures to color in and complete! The artiste Edouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Pierre-August Renoir,…
Impressionist Art 1860-1920
Brushwork revolution: The neglected champions of Impressionism. It was a dappled and daubed harbor scene that gave Impressionism its name. When Impression,…
Impressonists and Post-Impressionists. The Hermitage
ARCA publishers present a series of small-format books that acquaint readers anew with gems of the Hermitage collection. Fascinating fragments and…
Improve your translation skills. Учебное пособие по переводу
Учебное пособие предназначается для студентов направления подготовки "Зарубежное регионоведение" с уровнем владения английским языком не ниже уровня Upper-Intermediate. Тематика упражнений, выступающих…
I'm Ready to Spell. Dictionary
My First Dictionary, part of Ladybird's comprehensive I'm Ready... early learning series, is an essential first reference book for primary school…
I'm Ready to Write. First Writing Practice + Stickers
This new addition to Ladybird's I'm Ready... early learning series is developed by educational experts and gives children plenty of practice…
Imrove your communication skills. Учебное пособие для гуманитарных специальностей
Учебное пособие предназначается для студентов, обучающихся на различных гуманитарных специальностях, с уровнем владения английским языком не ниже уровня Intermediate. Тематика текстов,…
I'm Starting Nursery
The Big Steps series is designed to help little ones (and their parents) cope with everyday experiences. In I'm Starting Nursery,…
Im Westen Nichts Neues
Эрих Мария Ремарк - один из самых известных немецких писателей XX века. Роман "На западном фронте без перемен" рассказывает о поколении,…
Im Westen nichts Neues
Zum hundertsten Jahrestag des Kriegsbeginns 1914: samtliche Werke von Erich Maria Remarque zum Ersten Weltkrieg, durchgesehen und in neuer Ausstattung. Mit neuer…