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Grammatica della lingua italiana Per Stranieri - 1
La Grammatica della lingua italiana Per Stranieri e un agile strumento di studio e di consultazione particolarmente adatto a chi: cerca…
Grammatica della lingua italiana Per Stranieri - 2
La Grammatica della lingua italiana Per Stranieri e un agile strumento di studio e di consultazione particolarmente adatto a chi: cerca…
Grammatica italiana
Questo libro presenta la grammatica italiana in modo semplice ed essenziale. Lo studente potra trovarvi tutte le principali regole della lingua…
GrammaticAvanzata. Libro B2+/C2
Una grammatica di livello avanzato (C1-C2 del Quadro comune europeo) per studenti che, grazie ad un approccio funzionale, vogliono acquisire gli…
Grammatik aktiv. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. A1-B1
Die Ubungsgrammatik richtet sich an Lernende, die die deutsche Grammatik von Niveau A1 bis B1 uben und wiederholen mochten. Sie eignet…
Grammatik aktiv. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. B2-C1
Die Ubungsgrammatik richtet sich an fortgeschrittene Lernende, die die deutsche Grammatik von Niveau B2-C1 wiederholen und vertiefen mochten. Sie eignet sich…
Grammatik kurz. Краткий справочник по немецкой грамматике
Данное пособие представляет собой краткий справочник по немецкой грамматике и построено с помощью простых схем, фраз и предложений. Грамматические правила сжато…
Grammatik leicht B1. Entdecken und uben
Die Ubungsgrammatik fuhrt Lernende mit erweiterten Anfangerkenntnissen in kleinen Schritten zu erweiterten Grundkenntnissen B1. Grammatik leicht B1 ist nach dem Doppelseitenprinzip…
Grammatiktabellen Deutsch
"Ich biege ab, ich bog ab, ich boge ab, ich sei abgebogen ..." - die richtigen Formen sind nicht immer gleich…
Grandad's Island
At the bottom of Syd’s garden, through the gate and past the tree, is Grandad’s house. Syd can let himself in…
Grandma Bird
A tender and heart-warming new story from the world of The Storm Whale. Noi isn't at all sure about staying at…
Grandpa Christmas
This bestselling Christmas picture book by renowned children's author Michael Morpurgo and illustrator Jim Field, is now available in paperback for…
Grandpa Christmas
Renowned children's author Michael Morpurgo teams up with bestselling illustrator Jim Field in this stunning Christmas picture book. Dearest little Mia,…
Grandpa's Great Escape
The eighth novel from NUMBER ONE bestselling author, David Walliams – now available in paperback! Jack’s Grandpa… - wears his slippers to the…
GraphQL. Язык запросов для современных веб-приложений
GraphQL - это язык запросов, альтернативный REST и ситуативным архитектурам веб-сервисов, самая революционная технология извлечения данных со времен Ajax. Точно как…
Grave's a Fine and Private Place the Flavia de Luce
In the wake of an unthinkable family tragedy, twelve-year-old Flavia de Luce is struggling to fill her empty days. For a…
Graveyard Book
The 10th anniversary edition of The Graveyard Book includes a foreword by Margaret Atwood as well as sketches from the illustrator,…
Gray Mountain
The year is 2008 and Samantha Kofer s career at a huge Wall Street law firm is on the fast track…
Great Britain and the Next War
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. This book…
Great Expectatiois
Great Expectations, published in 1861, is the author's penultimate completed novel; narrated in the first person, it depicts the personal growth…
Great Expectations
A retelling for students of English of one of Dickens's best-known novels, this is an upper intermediate-level Macmillan Reader. One bleak…
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. Great Expectations, published in 1861, is the author's penultimate completed novel; narrated…
Great Expectations
Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.
Great Houses on a Budget
For the typical American homeowner, Great Houses on a Budget presents case studies from across the country that achieve high style…