Книжный раздел
- Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках9992
- Книги для детей32251
- Комиксы, Манга, Артбуки2975
- Молодежная литература1551
- Нехудожественная литература76235
- Периодические издания994
- Религия6940
- Учебная, методическая литература и словари37207
- Художественная литература36476
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Enjoy Reading-7 (CDmp3)
MP-3 диск к учебному пособию Enjoy Reading-7, в котором представлены произведения Джонатана Свифта "Путешествие Гулливера в Бробдингнег", Джека Лондона "Зов предков",…
Ens realissimum. Жизнь и философия Иоганна Вольфганга Гёте. Монография
В монографии рассматриваются философские основания мировоззрения величайшего немецкого поэта, ученого и мыслителя сквозь призму его духовной деятельности, фундаментом которой выступает понятие…
Enterprise 1. Beginner. Coursebook
"Enterprise 1: Coursebook: Beginner" is the first in a four-level series of English coursebooks. It is specially designed to motivate and…
Enterprise 1. Beginner. Test Booklet
Enterprise 1. Beginner. Test Booklet contains nine write-in tests which aim to assess students' progress throughout the course.
Enterprise 1. Beginner. Workbook
Enterprise 1 Beginner is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning.
Enterprise 1. Grammar Book. Beginner. Грамматический справочник
This is the first of a four-level English course. It consist of four modules and is specially designed to motivate and…
Enterprise 1. Teacher's Book. Beginner. Книга для учителя
УМК для детей, изучающих английский язык в основной школе. Направлен на постепенное формирование и развитие всех 4-х видов речевой деятельности. Серия…
Enterprise 2. Elementary. Coursebook
This is the second of a four-level series of English coursebooks. It is specially designed to motivate and involve students in…
Enterprise 2. Elementary. Workbook
"Enterprise 2: Elementary" is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning at elementary level. The…
Enterprise 2.Teacher's Book. Elementary. Книга для учителя
"Enterprise 2: Elementary" is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning at elementary level. The…
Enterprise-2. Test Booklet. Elementary. Сборник тестов
"Enterprise 2: Elementary" is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning at elementary level. The…
Enterprise 3. Pre-Intermediate. Coursebook
"Enterprise 3: Pre-Intermediate" consists of four modules and is the third of a four-level English course. It is specially designed to…
Enterprise 3. Pre-Intermediate. Test Booklet
"Enterprise 3: Pre-lntermediate: Test Booklet" contains nine write-in tests which aim to assess students' progress throughout the course. Key features: A Mid-term Test…
Enterprise 3. Workbook. Pre-Intermediate. Рабочая тетрадь
Enterprise series is designed for learners of English at secondary level. Enterprise 3, Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate and Enterprise 4 each consist of…
Enterprise 4. Grammar Book. Intermediate
Enterprise 4 - заключительная ступень курса английского языка для подростков и студентов. Соответствует ступени изучения Intermediate B1+. Лексика учебника Enterprise 4…
Enterprise 4. Intermediate. Coursebook
"Enterprise 4: Intermediate" is the fourth of a four-level English course It consists of four modules and is specially designed to…
Enterprise 4 Intermediate. Student's Audio (CD)
"Enterprise 4: Intermediate" is the fourth of a four-level English course It consists of four modules and is specially designed to…
Enterprise 4. Intermediate.Teacher's Book
Enterprise 4 Intermediate is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning. The course consists of…
Enterprise 4. Intermediate. Workbook
Enterprise 4 Intermediate Workbook - это четвертая часть из четырехуровневого курса по изучению английского языка. Эта книга специально подготовлена для того,…
Enterprise Grammar 2. Elementary. Student's Book
This is the second of a four-level English course. It consist of four modules and is specially designed to motivate and…
Enterprise Grammar 3. Pre-Intermediate. Student's Book
Enterprise Grammar 3 gives students at Pre-Intermediate level clear explanations ar practice of English grammar. Key features: - clear simple explanations and examples -…
Enterprise Plus. Grammar Book. Pre-Intermediate
Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate Grammar gives students at Pre-Intermediate level clear explanations and practice of English grammar.
Enterprise Plus. Pre-Intermediate. Teacher's Book
Курс "Enterprise PLUS" состоит из 4 уровней и разработан специально для изучающих английский язык на начальном уровне (secondary level). Курс обеспечивает…
Enterprise Plus. Student's Book. Pre-Intermediate
"Enterprise plus" is a modular coursebook specially designed to motivate and involve learners in effective language learning. The course provides systematic…