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- Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках9992
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Career Paths. Computing. Student's Book with DigiBooks Application (Includes Audio & Video)
Career Paths: Computing is a new educational resource for all professionals who want to improve their English communication regarding computing. Incorporating…
Care for Surgical Patients. Study guide
This study guide reflects the main issues of care for surgical patients, peculiarities, and technics of various medical manipulations. It also…
Caribbean Cruises 1:2 500 000
Explore the Caribbean Islands with this Freytag&Berndt road map. The best way to plan your trip, prepare your itinerary, and to…
Caring for Elephant Orphans. Level 3
Elephants in Africa are in trouble. Some lose their land to people. Some lose their families to hunters. But there is…
Carinthia. Norhern Adriatic Sea. 1:200 000
Detailed, cross-country road map of Carinthia, the adjoining areas of Italy and most of Slovenia, with index and city centre street…
Carnets du Sous-Sol (Bilingue, Francais-Russe)
«Je suis un homme malade… Je suis un homme mechant. Un homme plutot desagreable. Je crois que j’ai le foie malade.…
Caroline et ses amis au cirque
Ce matin, le Cirque Caroline s'installe sur la Grand-Place! Tantot maquilleuse, dompteuse ou trapeziste, Caroline ne sait plus ou donner de…
Carpe Jugulum. Хватай за горло!
Они - вампиры, и это многое объясняет. Да, они спят в гробах, да, они питаются кровью, однако... все не так просто.…
"Кэрри" - один из самых известных романов Стивена Кинга. Когда Кэрри - запуганная девушка, никогда не знавшая ничего, кроме издевательств, со…
There are lots of cars. Some are big, some are small, some are old, some are fast! Which cars do you…
Cars. Facts at Your Fingertips
Dive into the amazing world of cars, from the oldest classic cars to record-breaking vehicles, supercars, and the cars of the…
Case History of Therapeutic Patient. Manual
The manual provides a detailed plan of the case history with a sample of the case report of a patient with…
Cassandra. Полное руководство
Только вообразите, что бы вы могли сделать, если бы не проблема масштабируемости! Благодаря этому практическому руководству вы узнаете, как система управления…
Castle Adventure Activity Book
Knights, princesses, castles, jesters, battles and horrible diseases - this fabulous activity book set in the Middle Ages has got the…
Castle Richmond. Part 2
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was an English novelist of the Victorian era. Among his best-known works is a series of novels collectively…
In dieser Graphic Novel beschaftigt sich Reinhard Kleist mit Kuba, einem der letzten Au?enposten des real existierenden Sozialismus. Genauer gesagt mit…
Casus Владимира Печерина
В новое собрание включенв документы, относящиеся к более раннему периоду жизни В. С. Печерина - 1830-1840-м годам. Времени обучения в Берлинском…
It’s the mother of all cat books. The book that gave new meaning to wacka-wacka and forever redefined it. Cat is the…
Caterpillar and Bean
The perfect introduction to growing and life cycles for young children. A caterpillar hatches from a tiny white egg and munches through…
Caterpillars and Butterflies
A beautifully illustrated introduction to the life of butterflies and caterpillars, with easy to read text for beginner readers. The life…
Catherine the Great and Potemkin. The Imperial Love Affair
'One of the great love stories of history, in a league with Napoleon and Josephine, and Antony and Cleopatra ...Excellent, with…
Cat in the Hat's Learning Library. A Great Day for Pup
Join the Cat in the Hat as he introduces beginning readers to wild animal babies. This title and others form part of…
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, travel writer, and essayist. He was a celebrity during his lifetime for…
Find out about more than 70 cat breeds, including their origins and characteristics, in this pocket-sized encyclopedia. This cat-alogue packs a whole…