Книжный раздел
- Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках9992
- Книги для детей32251
- Комиксы, Манга, Артбуки2975
- Молодежная литература1551
- Нехудожественная литература76235
- Периодические издания994
- Религия6940
- Учебная, методическая литература и словари37207
- Художественная литература36476
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Cambridge Learner's Dictionary English-Russian with CD-ROM
The first edition of the semi-bilingual English-Russian version of the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary with CD-ROM. This is the first edition of…
Cambridge Learner's Dictionary with CD-ROM
The Cambridge Learner's Dictionary is the best route to success in English. This new edition updates the existing content and contains…
Cambridge Primary Mathematics Skills Builders 1 PB
Cambridge Primary Mathematics Skills Builder Activity Books are the latest addition to the Cambridge Primary Mathematics course. This is a flexible…
Cambridge Primary Mathematics Stg 2 Learner's Book
Cambridge Primary Mathematics is a flexible and engaging course written specifically for the Cambridge Primary mathematics curriculum framework (Stage 1-6). The…
Camcorder Thief Reader
Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written…
Camino Island
#1 New York Times Bestseller - "A delightfully lighthearted caper . . . [a] fast-moving, entertaining tale."-Pittsburgh Post-Gazette A gang of thieves…
Camino Island
The most daring and devastating heist in literary history targets a high security vault located deep beneath Princeton University.Valued at 25…
Campo santo
«Campo santo», посмертный сборник В.Г. Зебальда, объединяет все, что не вошло в другие книги писателя, — фрагменты прозы о Корсике, газетные…
C++ AMP. Построение массивно параллельных программ с помощью Microsoft Visual C++
C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism (C++ AMP) - разработанная корпорацией Microsoft технология ускорения написанных на C++ приложении за счет исполнения кода на…
Canada, East 1:1 900 000
This map appears in the map series world mapping project ™ in travel expertise. Characteristic is the high-quality, clear and modern…
Comme disait parfois son precepteur Pangloss, si Candide n'avait pas ete chasse d'un beau chateau a grands coups de pied au…
Candypop (1) - Candy and the Broken Biscuits
Join fabulously funny (undiscovered) rock chick, Candy Caine on a rollercoaster ride to the world's biggest music festival. A sharp, comic…
Can You Find Santa’s Pants?
It’s Christmas Eve, and Santa’s putting on his snuggly red suit. But hang on… WHERE ARE SANTA’S PANTS? He can’t deliver…
Can You Say Please?
The Big Steps series is designed to help young children deal with new experiences in their lives. In Can You Say…
Cape Town. 1:12 000
Explore Cape Town (Kaapstad) with this Freytag&Berndt street map. The best way to plan your trip, prepare your itinerary, and to…
Caprichos. Дело об убийстве Распутина
Эту книгу будет интересно почитать как любителям политики и истории, так и любителям классического детектива. Написанная в динамичном остросюжетном стиле, она…
Cap sur... 1 Cahier (+CD)
Bienvenue dans l’univers de Cap sur… ! Le Cahier d’activites de Cap sur… 1, c’est le compagnon ideal pour approfondir les competences…
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
This is a great love story set in the tragedy of war. It is 1941. The Italian officer, Captain Corelli, falls…
Captains Courageous
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. Kate Sheriff, a young American woman, knew without a…
Captain Singleton
Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe, which…
Captain Singleton
Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, pamphleteer and journalist. He is most famous for his novel "Robinson Crusoe", which is…
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) was always a name to be reckoned with. Notorious bad boy of the Italian Baroque, the…
Car, Car, Truck, Jeep
This brand new board book edition of a favourite sing-along picture book is bursting with cars, buses, planes, trains, trucks, diggers…
Cards on the Table (Poirot)
A flamboyant party host is murdered in full view of a roomful of bridge players… Mr Shaitana was famous as a flamboyant…