Классическая отечественная проза на англ. языке
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году издания
On his way back to Russia after some years spent in the West, Grigory Mikhailovich Litvinov, the son of a retired…
The Cherry Orchard
The tide of change is coming. Madam Ranyevskaya's liberal world of privilege and pleasure is beginning to show cracks, but she…
The Crocodile
The civil servant Ivan Matveich and his wife Yelena Ivanovna are spectators of an exhibition – in a shopping arcade –…
The Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Some call him a Russian Mark Twain. And with his special blend of comedy, social commentary, and fantasy, Nikolai Gogol paved…
The Diary of Lena Mukhina. A Girl's Life in the Siege of Leningrad
In May 1941 Lena Mukhina was an ordinary teenage girl, living in Leningrad, worrying about her homework and whether Vova -…
The Doomed City (S.F. Masterworks)
It is a mysterious city whose sun is switched on in the morning and switched off at night, bordered by an…
The Double
Constantly rebuffed from the social circles he aspires to frequent, the timid clerk Golyadkin is confronted by the sudden appearance of…
The Golden Calf
«Золотой теленок» — острая сатира на типажи и нравы России двадцатых годов прошлого века. Как и знаменитый роман «Двенадцать стульев», «Золотой…
The House of the Dead & The Gambler
Translated by Constance Garnett. With an introduction by A. Briggs.
Предлагаем вниманию англоязычного читателя один из самых известных романов великого русского писателя Ф.М. Достоевского (1821-1881) "Идиот" в переводе Евы Мартин.
The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories
On a train journey, Pozdnyshev tells his story to a stranger: how his relationship with his wife gradually deteriorated from one…
The Meek One
'I could see that she was still terribly afraid, but I didn't soften anything; instead, seeing that she was afraid I…
The Queen of Spades and Other Stories
The Queen of Spades has long been acknowledged as one of the world's greatest short stories. In this classic literary representation…
The Queen of Spades. The Daughter of The Commandant
В предлагаемую вниманию читателей книгу пошли две знаменитые повести великого русского поэта и писателя А.С.Пушкина (1799-1837). "Пиковая дама" и "Капитанская дочка"…
The Steppe and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov widely hailed as the supreme master of the short story also wrote five works long enough to be called…
The White Guard
Set in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev during the chaotic winter of 1918–19, The White Guard, Bulgakov’s first full-length novel, tells…
The Zone
Based on Dovlatov's actual experience of being a prison guard in Soviet Russia in the 1960s, and full of comic and…
War and Peace
War and Peace is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is…
War and Peace
When Napoleon invades Russia in 1812, it forever changes those whose lives it engulfs. Although told on a panoramic scale Tolstoy's…
Александр Николаевич Островский (1823-1886) - великий русский драматург, основоположник русского реалистического театра, создавший 47 пьес с участием 728 персонажей. Его произведения…
Обломов (на английском языке)
Вашему вниманию предлагается роман Ивана Александровича Гончарова "Обломов" (1859), который является вершиной критического реализма в русской классической литературе XIX века и…
Собачье сердце (Чудовищная история)
Повесть Михаила Булгакова «Собачье сердце» – произведение о потере цивилизованных ценностей в советской России, в котором сочетаются острая сатира и глубокая…
Человек-амфибия (на английском языке, неадаптированный)
Alexander Belyaev (1884-1942) is one of the founders of Russian science fiction literature and the first of the Soviet writers to…
Crimson Sails
В книгу вошли замечательные произведения русского писателя Александра Грина "Алые паруса", "Искатели приключений", "Корабли в Лиссе", переведенные на английский язык. Романтик русской…