Иностранные языки: грамматика и учебники
- Английский язык1597
- Арабский язык21
- Другие языки245
- Испанский язык187
- Итальянский язык129
- Китайский язык197
- Корейский язык53
- Латинский язык42
- Немецкий язык339
- Русский язык как иностранный169
- Французский язык171
- Японский язык52
Сортировка по: названию наличию году издания автору цене
<<< 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 >>>
Menschen. A2. Intensivtrainer (+CD)
Der Intensivtrainer ermoglicht das selbststandige Uben und Wiederholen des Lernstoffs. Passend zu jeder Kursbuchlektion gibt es auf drei Seiten Ubungen zu Grammatik,…
Menschen im Beruf. Bewerbungsstraining. A2+.B1 (+CD)
- ubt systematisch die sprachlichen Handlungen im Bewerbungsprozess - prasentiert typische Situationen von der Stellenrecherche bis zum Vorstellungsgesprach und die dafur notwendigen…
More! 2Ed 4 WB
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. In addition to extra…
Netzwerk neu A1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Ubungsbuch mit Audios
Netzwerk neu fuhrt junge Erwachsene lebendig und zielsicher zu den Niveaus A1, A2 und B1 und bereitet auf die Prufungen Start…
New Language Leader. Elementary. Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and…
New Language Leader. Intermediate. Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and…
New Language Leader. Upper Intermediate. Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and…
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel B1. Libro del profesor (+code)
Nuevo Prisma es un curso de espanol estructurado en seis niveles que sigue un enfoque comunicativo, orientado a la accion y…
NUEVO Suena 1 Cuaderno de Ejercicios (+CD)
El Cuaderno de Ejercicios se ha concebido como un elemento imprescindible para la clase, ya que ofrece al profesor y al…
NUEVO Suena 4 Cuaderno de Ejercicios
Este metodo es producto de la labor de un equipo de linguistas у profesores de espanol como lengua extranjera de la…
NUEVO. Suena 4 Libro del Alumno (+СD)
Sueсa 4 estб destinado a alumnos con un alto nivel de espaсol. Se pretende desarrollar en el estudiante la competencia comunicativa…
Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 1a Libro+Quad (+CD +DVD)
Nuovissimo Progetto italiano, предназначенный для студентов и взрослых - это полностью обновленная версия одного из самых продаваемых курсов итальянского языка для…
Nutrition & dietetics (esp). Student's Book
Career Paths: Nutrition & Dietetics is a new educational resource for nutrition industry professionals who want to improve their English communication…
On Screen B2+ Revised Student’s Book with Digibook
On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.
On Screen C1. Student's Book. Учебник
Учебно-методический комплекс "On Screen" - девятиуровневый курс для изучающих английский язык (уровень A2 - С2). Учебники предлагают активное изучение английского языка через…
On screen C1. Workbook & Grammar Book
On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features An…
Our World 1: Big Rdr - Little Red Hen is Cooking (BrE)
Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images…
Our World 3 Workbook with Audio CD
Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images…
Our World 5. Student's Book (+CD)
Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images…
Passaggi - per la scuola secondaria di primo grado (+mp3)
PASSAGGI nasce da un progetto di creazione di materiali didattici focalizzati sulla comprensione di testi autentici destinati agli apprendenti di italiano…
Perspectives Advanced. Workbook (+CD)
Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English.…
Phonetique essentielle du francais. A1-A2 (+CD)
Cet ouvrage pour debutants propose de decouvrir les sons du francais de facon progressive, simple et dynamique en trois etapes :…
Phrases in Action 1
Written for students aged between 9 and 15 and other foreign learners, Phrases in Action aims to enhance the reader's understanding…
Practical Grammar 1 (A1-A2) Student's Book with Answer Key & Audio CDs (2)
Each level of Practical Grammar has 100 units, divided into modules of five units. Each module examines a particular area of…