Автор Way Elena
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Gallery of 19th and 20th century European and American Art
Gallery of 19th and 20th Сentury European and American Art owns the unique collection of paintings and sculptures by the greatest…
How to write a research article. Учебник для начинающих исследователей
Учебник "Как написать научную статью" предназначен для начинающих исследователей, планирующих опубликовать свои статьи в международных рецензируемых журналах. Они узнают о конвенциях…
My Brilliant Friend
From one of Italy's most acclaimed authors, comes this ravishing and generous-hearted novel about a friendship that lasts a lifetime. The…
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2. Libro de ejercicios (+CD)
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2 Ejercicios es un material elaborado para consolidar y mejorar el aprendizaje de la lengua a traves de…
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2. Libro del alumno (+CD)
Nuevo Prisma es un curso de espanol estructurado en seis niveles que sigue un enfoque comunicativo, orientado a la accion y…
The books by Elena Fedorova always represent an easy, confidential conversation about life, love, and friendship - about everything, which is…
The Lying Life of Adults
Giovanna's pretty face has changed: it's turning into the face of an ugly, spiteful adolescent. But is she seeing things as…
The Story of a New Name
The Story of a New Name, the second book of the Neapolitan Quartet, picks up the story where My Brilliant Friend…
The Story of the Lost Child
The Story of the Lost Child is the concluding volume in the dazzling saga of two women- the brilliant, bookish Elena,…
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay
Set in the late 1960s and the 1970s, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay continues the story of the feisty…
В поисках бесконечности, или прыжок из бездны
О чем эта книга?.. Вы когда-нибудь задавали себе вопросы: почему наука до сих пор изучает окружающий мир методами, часто уводящими в…
Chiave di volta
I diritti di elaborazione in qualsiasi forma о opera, di memorizzazione anche digitale su supporti di qualsiasi tipo (inclusi raagnetici e…
Diary of Lena Mukhina
In May 1941 Lena Mukhina was an ordinary teenage girl, living in Leningrad, worrying about her homework and whether Vova, the…
Profesionales de los negocios. Curso de espanol. B1-B2
Profesionales de los negocios es un curso de espanol para estudiantes у profesionales del ambito de los negocios у el mundo…
The Diary of Lena Mukhina. A Girl's Life in the Siege of Leningrad
In May 1941 Lena Mukhina was an ordinary teenage girl, living in Leningrad, worrying about her homework and whether Vova -…