Автор Priest Daniel Sysoev
В результате поиска найдено 17 товаров
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Explanation of Selected Psalms. In Four Parts. Part 1. Blessed is the Man
Explanation of psalms 1, 2, 5, and 54. This book examines the issues of human happiness, the royal path, eternal life,…
Explanation of Selected Psalms. In Four Parts. Part 2. Beneath the Shelter of the Most High
Explanation of psalms 90 and 103. This book examines the issues of trust in God and of His protection, the struggle…
Explanation of Selected Psalms. In Four Parts. Part 3. Another World
Explanation of psalms 109, 116, and 145. This book examines the issues of the laws of the spiritual world, the mission…
Explanation of Selected Psalms. In Four Parts. Part 4. The last judgment
Explanation of psalms 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, and 142. This book examines the issues of repentance, prayer, humility, the will…
Homilies. На английском языке
The gift of eloquence is not given to everyone, and there are very few who have mastered the art of producing…
Marriage to a Nonbeliever? На английском языке
How often young men and women, when choosing their companion for life, think his or her faith to be of no…
Questions to Priest Daniel Sysoev. На английском языке
On our spiritual journey, how often do we find ourselves in need of a timely answer to this or that question…
Talks on the Passions. На английском языке
Know your enemy, it is said. The passions and those who help them take root are the seed of the devil.…
To Marry or Not to Marry? На английском языке
To be or not to be - is this indeed the question? The apostle calls all equally to pure, chaste love…
What Gifts Should We Ask of God? На английском языке
In society it is customary to enthuse over people's talents and to discuss the achievements of the gifted. But what are…
What is a Spiritual Father? На английском языке
What is true spiritual fatherhood? How can one tell a pastor from a hireling? This book contains advice to those seeking…
What is the Priest to Live On? На английском языке
A common point of contention in society is that of supporting the clergy and the temple financially. Frequently one hears the…
Why Do Believers Quarrel? На английском языке
How can one avoid divisions in the Church while attuning the mind and heart to unity in Christ? Grace is to…
Why Go to Church Every Sunday? На английском языке
In this day and age people in the Orthodox Church have forgotten in Whose name they received the sacrament of baptism,…
Women in the Church. Submission or Equality? На английском языке
Is there any point in submission without love? What is God's plan for the submission of wives to their husbands? And…
Catechetical Talks
Издательство: Миссионерский центр им. иерея Даниила Сысоева
Год издания: 2014
Ограниченное количество
359 ркупитьIn 2004 His Holiness Aleksiy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, described catechetical talks as part of "traditional parish missionary…
How Often Should One Commune? На английском языке
Every Christian gives thought to the question of how often one should commune. In asking the advice of various priests, one…