Автор Perrett Jeanne
В результате поиска найдено 5 товаров из следующих разделов:
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Fly High. Level 2. Activity Book (+CD)
Each cycle of Fly High 2 includes: o humourous two-part cartoon stories to present language, featuring the Fly High characters o a variety of practice…
Fly High. Level 3. Active Teach. Interactive Whiteboard Software
This Interactive Whiteboard software is the perfect classroom tool to bring lessons alive and motivate students. It offers the teacher all…
Learning Stars Level 1 Pupil's Book Pack (+CD)
The Pupil's Book Pack consists of a Pupil's Book and CD-ROM. The Pupil's Book is beautifully designed, with interesting material to…
Macmillan Starter Book. Pupil's Book (+СD)
Книга для учащегося Macmillan Starter Book состоит из 12-ти разделов. Каждый раздел включает в себя три урока. Первый урок каждого раздела…
Learning Stars Level 1 Activity Book
The Activity Book reinforces and extends the language, concepts and skills from the Pupil's Book. The activities recycle and extend language,…