Автор Jerome K.
В результате поиска найдено 44 товара
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Collected Short Stories I
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humorist. Collected Short Stories is a series of sketchy tales of relationships and…
Collected Short Stories II
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. Collected Short Stories is a series of sketchy tales of relationships and…
Diary of a Pilgrimage
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. The pilgrimage of the title is a journey to see…
Diary of a Pilgrimage
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. "Diary of a Pilgrimage" is a story of a journey to see…
Idle Ideas in 1905
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. This volume answers on such questions like "Are we as…
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" is a collection of…
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow 1
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Yellow is a collection of humorous and…
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow 2
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow is a collection of humorous and…
Malvina of Brittany and Other Stories
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. "Malvina of Brittany" is a highly entertaining work that describes…
My Life and Times
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. An interesting and entertaining account of a life led in…
Selected Prose
Один из самых значительных и самых загадочных американских писателей прошлого века. Уроженец Нью-Йорка, ярко заявивший о себе вскоре после Второй Мировой…
Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. "Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green" is a short story…
The Catсher in the Rye
Изданный в послевоенное время, роман завоевал писателю безоговорочное признание критиков и любовь поклонников, особенно среди юных читателей. Откровенная история, рассказанная подростком…
The Observations of Henry
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. "The Observations of Henry" is the collection of wonderful tales…
The Observations of Henry
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humorist. The Observations of Henry is the collection of wonderful tales told by…
The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humorist. "The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" is a collection…
They and I
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. A charming story in which fiction is intertwined with autobiographical…
Three Men in a Boat & Three Men on a Bummel
There are four of them - George, Harris, the writer himself and that dog, .Montmorency - all participants in a boating…
Three men in a boat (to say nothing of the dog)
Великолепный роман, полный юмора и смешных ситуаций, повествующий о путешествии трех закадычных друзей, британских "джентльменов" и их собаки, фокстерьера Монморенси, по…
Three Men In a Boat To Say Nothing of the Dog…
Skiff off, Nigel! Incompetence, embarrassment, and general disaster no it s not politics, it s a trip down the Thames! Three hapless…
Told After Supper & Passing of the Third Floor Back
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. When it's time to relax after dinner the members of…
Tommy and Co
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English writer and humourist. "Tommy and Co" is a collection of funny stories, which…
Tre uomini in barca. Tre uomini a zonzo
All'interno della vastissima produzione narrativa, saggistica, teatrale di Jerome K. Jerome (circa sessanta opere), solo "Tre uomini in barca" (1889) e,…
Construction & Demolition
It takes hundreds of people, dozens of machines and years of work to construct a skyscraper. Lift the flaps to see…
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