Автор Dostoevsky Fyodor
В результате поиска найдено 30 товаров
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The Crocodile
The civil servant Ivan Matveich and his wife Yelena Ivanovna are spectators of an exhibition – in a shopping arcade –…
The Double
Constantly rebuffed from the social circles he aspires to frequent, the timid clerk Golyadkin is confronted by the sudden appearance of…
The House of the Dead & The Gambler
Translated by Constance Garnett. With an introduction by A. Briggs.
Предлагаем вниманию англоязычного читателя один из самых известных романов великого русского писателя Ф.М. Достоевского (1821-1881) "Идиот" в переводе Евы Мартин.
The Meek One
'I could see that she was still terribly afraid, but I didn't soften anything; instead, seeing that she was afraid I…
Weise nachte
'Es war eine wundervolle Nacht, eine solche Nacht, wie sie vielleicht nur vorkommen kann, wenn wir jung sind, lieber Leser.' Mit…
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