Автор Dostoevsky Fyodor
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Предлагаем вниманию англоязычного читателя один из самых известных романов великого русского писателя Ф.М. Достоевского (1821-1881) "Преступление и наказание" в переводе Констанс…
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky's drama of sin, guilt, and redemption transforms the sordid story of an old woman's murder into the nineteenth century's profoundest…
Inspired by Dostoevsky's own gambling addiction and written under pressure in order to pay off his creditors and retain his rights…
L'Idiot (на французском языке)
"Il y a lieu de croire que Rogojine eprouva cette brusque sensation d'epouvante ; venant s'ajouter a tant d'autres emotions, elle…
Notes from Underground
The unnamed narrator of the novel, a former government official, has decided to retire from the world and lead a life…
Notes From Underground & Other Stories
Notes from Underground and Other Stories is a comprehensive collection of Dostoevsky's short fiction. Many of these stories, like his great…
Poor People
Presented as a series of letters between the humble copying-clerk Devushkin and a distant relative of his, the young Varenka, Poor…
The Adolescent
Among Dostoevsky's later novels, The Adolescent occupies a very special place: published three years after The Devils and five years before…
The Eternal Husband
During a stifling St Petersburg summer, the rich landowner Velchaninov is haunted by the figure of a man he keeps glimpsing…
The House of the Dead
The House of the Dead recounts the story of Alexander Goryanchikov, a gentleman who is sent to a prison colony in…
The Idiot
Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland. As he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and financial intrigues…
The Idiot
Includes pictures and an extensive section on Dostoevsky's life and works. After spending several years in a sanatorium recovering from an illness…
The Idiot
The Idiot is a remarkable literary feat; a true accomplishment. It not only shows and represents true human complexity, but it…
The Karamazov Brothers
The Karamazov Brothers is the greatest passionate philosophical novel in the Russian literature that enters deeply into the ethical debates of…
The Karamazov Brothers
Translated by Constance Garnett. With an introduction by A. D. P. Briggs.
Великий русский писатель Ф. М. Достоевский (1821-1881) известен во всем мире прежде всего благодаря "великому пятикнижию" - романам "Преступление и наказание",…
White Nights
'My God! A whole minute of bliss! Is that really so little for the whole of a man's life?' It is…
Winter Notes On Summer Impressions
In June 1862, Dostoevsky left Petersburg on his first excursion to Western Europe. Ostensibly making the trip to consult Western specialists…
Crime and Punishment
One of the world's greatest novels, Crime and Punishment is the story of a murder and its consequences-an unparalleled tale of…
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written. From the beginning we are locked into…
With an Introduction by A.D.P. Briggs, translation by Constance Garnett. In 1869 a young Russian was strangled, shot through the head…
As ideological ferment grips Russia, a small group of revolutionaries, led by Pyotr Verkhovensky and inspired by Nikolai Stavrogin, plan to…
Humiliated and Insulted
First published in 1861, Humiliated and Insulted plunges the reader into a world of moral degradation, childhood trauma, unrequited love and…
Noches blancas y otros relatos
lustrativas de distintos momentos de la primera etapa creadora de Fio'dor Dostoyevski (1821-1881), las tres narraciones recogidas en este volumen pertenecen…
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