Автор Alexander L. G.
В результате поиска найдено 34 товара
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La's Orchestra Saves the World
A heart-warming stand alone novel about the life-affirming powers of music and company during a time of war, from the best-selling…
Life Safety in Medicine. Textbook
The textbook highlights six principle topics of the First Aid Module as a part of the subject "Health and Safety, Disaster…
Love Poems
One of the many aspects of Alexander Pushkin's immense contribution to Russian language and literature, and perhaps the one he is…
Lyrics. Volume 1 (1809–17)
The founding father of modern Russian literature, Alexander Pushkin has exerted – through his novel in verse Eugene Onegin, his plays,…
The Forgotten Affairs Of Youth
The wonderful new Isabel Dalhousie. As the editor of an applied ethics journal, Isabel Dalhousie is usually tucked away in her editorial…
The Queen of Spades and Other Stories
The Queen of Spades has long been acknowledged as one of the world's greatest short stories. In this classic literary representation…
The Queen of Spades. The Daughter of The Commandant
В предлагаемую вниманию читателей книгу пошли две знаменитые повести великого русского поэта и писателя А.С.Пушкина (1799-1837). "Пиковая дама" и "Капитанская дочка"…
Человек-амфибия (на английском языке, неадаптированный)
Alexander Belyaev (1884-1942) is one of the founders of Russian science fiction literature and the first of the Soviet writers to…
Crimson Sails
В книгу вошли замечательные произведения русского писателя Александра Грина "Алые паруса", "Искатели приключений", "Корабли в Лиссе", переведенные на английский язык. Романтик русской…
Предлагаем вниманию читателей роман в стихах А. С. Пушкина "Евгений Онегин", одно из самых значительных произведений русской литературы. Критик В. Г.…
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