Architectural Guide. Norway. Buildings and Projects from 2000 to 2020

The Architectural Guide Norway showcases 150 architectural objects realized in Norway in the period from 2000 to 2020. The geography of the buildings covers both the largest and most visited cities of the country – Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger – and objects of the so-called Norwegian Scenic Routes, one of the most important infrastructure project to promote the breathtaking nature and its architecture. Anna Martovitskaya’s selection of projects demonstrates a wide range of artistic techniques, typologies and scales, but these are not only united by the country of origin, but also by their diversity. A much more important factor of unity is the approach of Norwegian architects to the challenges they face. No matter whether it is an everyday task (e.g. a pedestrian bridge, a viewing platform or a pavilion), a large office complex or a large urban development project, the focus is always on people and their relationship to nature. While today many voices loudly promote the need to conserve resources, Norway consistently implements the principle of environmental protection, not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also by making the buildings themselves and the developed areas the epitome of human rationality and environmental friendliness.
Печатное издание имеет сертификаты качества и безопасности и соответствует нормам санитарной гигиены. На товар распростаняется гарантия. Предлагается дисконтная накопительная система, а также корпоративная скидка 10% на заказ от 20 шт. На странице офомления заказа будет отображена более полная информация о стоимости доставки в ваш регион и о вашей личной скидке.

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