Английский язык
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Cutting Edge. Pre-intermediate. Workbook without key
Cutting Edge Third Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new…
Cutting Edge. Starter. Students' Book (+DVD)
Cutting Edge 3rd Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new video…
Cutting Edge. Starter. Students' Book with MyEnglishLab access code (+DVD)
Cutting Edge Starter New Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts,…
Cutting Edge. Starter. Workbook with Key
Cutting Edge Starter New Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts,…
Cutting Edge. Upper Intermediate. Students' Book (+DVD)
Cutting Edge Third Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new…
Cutting Edge. Upper Intermediate. Students' Book with MyEnglishLab access code (+DVD)
Cutting Edge 3rd Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new video…
Cutting Edge. Upper Intermediate. Workbook (with Key)
Cutting Edge 3rd Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new video…
Cutting Edge. Upper Intermediate. Workbook without key
Cutting Edge 3rd Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new video…
Digital Idioms. Cловарь цифровых идиом
Впервые собраны идиоматические выражения, содержащие числительные. Многочисленные образцы цифровой идиоматики сопровождаются переводом и подробным комментарием. Разнообразие примеров позволяет сгруппировать выражения по…
Double Click 1. Student's Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 1. Workbook & Grammar Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 2. Student's Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 2. Workbook & Grammar Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 3. Student's Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 3. Workbook & Grammar Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 4. Student's Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Double Click 4. Workbook & Grammar Book
Double Click is a four-level course consisting of five modules each for learners of English from complete beginner to intermediate level.…
Economics Is Your Choice
Пособие предназначено, главным образом, для тех, кто стоит на пороге выбора профессии, а также для тех, кто на данном этапе своей…
Electrical Engineering. Учебное пособие
Пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть включает тексты по специальности для аудиторных занятий с рядом лексических закрепительных упражнений. Во второй…
Elementary Language Practice. English Grammar and Vocabulary. With key (+CD)
Elementary Language Practice is the reference and practice book for students at elementary / A2 level. Now in full colour, this…
Elementary Vocabulary + Grammar. Foe Beginners and Pre-Intermediate Students. Учебное пособие
Учебное пособие Elementary VOCABULARY + Grammar предназначено для людей с начальным уровнем подготовки. Отличительной особенностью издания является параллельное изучение лексики и…
Elementary Vocabulary + Grammar. The Keys for Beginners and Pre-Intermediate Students
Издание является составной частью учебного пособия Elementary VOCABULARY + Grammar. Оно содержит ответы-ключи к учебным заданиям пособия, а также полные тексты…
Eng Collocations in Use Adv 2Ed Bk +ans
Improve your fluency and sound more natural in English. Collocations are combinations of words which frequently appear together. This book…
Eng Idioms in Use Interm 2Ed with ans
Improve your understanding of idioms in English. Explanations and practice of English idioms, written for intermediate-level (B1 to B2) learners…