Английский язык
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Impact 4 Grammar Book (British English)
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship, and…
Impact Foundation. Student's Book (+ online Workbook PAC)
Impact helps teenage learners to better understand themselves, each other, and the world they live in. By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship,…
Information Technology. Student's Book
Career Paths: Information Technology is a new educational resource for information technology professionals who want to improve their English communication skills…
Introduction to Records Management. Учебное пособие
Учебное пособие по английскому языку (для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 46.03.02 "Документоведение и архивоведение") создано в соответствии с Программой учебной…
Italy is a country in Europe. Today, about ninety-four per cent of the people in Italy are Italian, and most people…
Key Words for Fluency Intermediate Collocation Practice
'Key Words for Fluency' concentrates on those words which students need to communicate in English. It emphasises those very common words…
Laser 3ed B1 WB W/Out Key (+СD)
Laser is now a five-level course, with the addition of two new levels, A1+ and A2, designed to cater to younger…
Lexology: A Current Guide. Лексикология английского языка. Учебное пособие
В пособии освещаются основные проблемы лексикологии в соответствии с действующими государственными стандартами и программой по данному курсу для студентов гуманитарных вузов.…
Life 2Ed Elem SB + App Code
Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series with…
Life 2Ed Pre-Int SB + App Code
Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series with…
Look 1. A reading anthology for young learners
The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level (Pre-A1 - B1) series for young learners of English. See…
Management in Action: a course of Global English (для бакалавров). Учебное пособие
Учебное пособие, являясь учебником английского языка, одновременно дает базовые знания по менеджменту в его самом разнообразном преломлении. Содержит курс повторения; основной…
Market Leader. Logistics Management
Logistics Management is one of a range of specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the Market Leader…
Market Leader. Pre-Intermediate. Practice File (+ Audio CD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Upper Intermediate. Coursebook (+DVD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Working Across Cultures
Working Across Cultures is one of a range of new specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the…
More! 2Ed 4 WB
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. In addition to extra…
New Language Leader. Elementary. Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and…
New Language Leader. Intermediate. Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and…
New Language Leader. Upper Intermediate. Coursebook
New Language Leader takes an intelligent approach to building the confidence and skills students need to succeed in academic study and…
Nutrition & dietetics (esp). Student's Book
Career Paths: Nutrition & Dietetics is a new educational resource for nutrition industry professionals who want to improve their English communication…
On Screen B2+ Revised Student’s Book with Digibook
On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.
On Screen C1. Student's Book. Учебник
Учебно-методический комплекс "On Screen" - девятиуровневый курс для изучающих английский язык (уровень A2 - С2). Учебники предлагают активное изучение английского языка через…
On screen C1. Workbook & Grammar Book
On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features An…