Английский язык
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The Flibets 1. Activity Book
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce…
The Flibets 1 Pupil's Book
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce…
The Flibets 2 Activity Book
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce…
The Flibets 2 Pupil's Book
The Flibets is a 3-level course with 8 themed modules per level designed for pre-primary children. Zac and his friends introduce…
The Keys. English Grammar. Reference & Practice. Version 2.0
В этом издании представлены ключи к большинству упражнений переработанного учебного пособия English Grammar: Reference and Practice (version 2.0). Поскольку авторы основываются…
The Keys for "English Grammar. Reference and Practice" and "English Grammar. Test File" (Ключи)
В этой книге представлены ключи к большинству упражнений учебного пособия "English Grammar: Reference and Practice". Поскольку авторы основываются на ситуативном подходе…
The Official Cambrige Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training. Student's Book (+DVD)
Cambridge English bring you this definitive guide, from our team of highly respected and experienced writers. It is packed with the…
The Order of the Day. Сборник профессионально-ориентированных текстов для студентов
Сборник текстов по актуальным вопросам в сфере экономики и бизнеса предназначен для ознакомления с вызовами современности. Сборник содержит разделы, которые заинтересуют…
The Son of Wolf. An Odyssey of the North
Джек Лондон (настоящее имя Джон Гриффит) – американский писатель. В юности он переменил множество случайных профессий, путешествовал и даже просидел месяц…
The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3
This is the updated version of 'the' teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge ESOL Teaching…
The Verbals. Неличные формы глагола. Учебно-методическое пособие
В пособии представлено максимально полное описание форм, значений и функций неличных форм глагола (инфинитива, герундия, причастия), на многочисленных примерах показаны их…
Think British English 3 Student's Book + Online Workbook + Online Practice
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage teenage…
Think British English. B2. Student's Book 4 + Online Workbook and Online Practice
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage teenage…
Think British English. Workbook 5 + Online Practice. C1
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant course designed to engage teenage learners and…
Think. Level 1. Student's Book
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage…
Think. Level 3. B1+. Student's Book
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage teenage…
Think. Level 3. B1+. Workbook with Online Practice
Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. As well as building…
This Globalizing World
Despite the increasing flow of publications on globalization, our ideas and knowledge about this phenomenon still leave much to be desired.…
Topics & dialogues. Тесты и диалоги: Пособие по английскому языку для студентов и абитуриентов
Книга является пособием по разговорному английскому языку для студентов гуманитарных факультетов вузов, учащихся старших классов английских школ, гимназий и лицеев, а…
Tourism. Student's Book
Career Paths Tourism is a new educational resource for tourism professionals who want to improve their English communication skills in a…
Tree or Three? An elementary pronunciation course
Enjoyable pronunciation practice of English sounds, word stress and intonation for beginner-level students. Now in full colour and with updated artwork, this…
Tree or Three? An elementary pronunciation course (+3CD)
Enjoyable pronunciation practice of English sounds, word stress and intonation for beginner-level students. Now in full colour and with updated artwork, this…
Upstream. Advanced C1. Student's Book
Upstream Advanced C1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEFR C1 level. The series combines…
Upstream Advanced C1. Workbook Student's. Рабочая тетрадь
Upstream Advanced C1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEFR C1 level. The series combines…