Английский язык
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Messages 3. Workbook with Audio (+CD/CD-ROM)
An attractive and innovative four-level course for lower-secondary students. In addition to extra practice of the language covered in the Student's Book,…
Mission IELTS-1. Academic Student's Book
Mission IELTS 1 Academic is the first in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential…
Mission IELTS 1. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь
Курс "Mission IELTS" представляет собой серию из двух пособий и предназначен для подготовки обучающихся, претендующих получить от 5 до 6,5 баллов…
Mission IELTS-2. Academic Student's Book
Mission IELTS 2 Academic is the second in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential…
Mission IELTS Exam practice tests. Сборник тестовых заданий
Mission IELTS 2 Academic is the second in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential…
Modern English Grammar Practic: Сборник упражнений на базе экономической лексики
Сборник упражнений составлен на материале оригинальных английских текстов последних лет, освещает основные грамматические трудности английского языка, характерные для текстов экономического содержания.…
More! 2Ed 1 SB + Cyber Homework + Online Res
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. A code in the…
More! 2Ed 1 WB
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. In addition to extra…
More! 2Ed 2 SB + Cyber Homework + Online Res
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. A code in the…
More! 2Ed 2 WB
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. In addition to extra…
More! 2Ed 3 SB +Cyber Homework + Online Res
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. A code in the…
More! 2Ed 3 WB
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. In addition to extra…
More! 2Ed 4 SB +Cyber Homework + Online Res
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. A code in the…
MyGrammarLab. Advanced (C1/C2). Student Book without Key and MyEnglishLab access code
Think all grammar courses are the same? Think again... MyGrammarLab is a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources that ensures…
MyGrammarLab. Elementary (A1/A2). Student Book with Key and MyEnglishLab access code
Think all grammar courses are the same? Think again... MyGrammarLab is a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources that ensures…
MyGrammarLab. Intermediate (B1/B2). Student Book with Key and MyEnglishLab access code
Think all grammar courses are the same? Think again... MyGrammarLab is a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources that ensures…
My Phonics-3. Pupil's book (international). Учебник
My Phonics provides young learners with the appropriate tools to sound out words in a fun, stress-free way! By understanding how…
My Way to Perfect English. Успешный английский. Учебное пособие
Пособие представляет собой сборник лексических упражнений и игр по различным темам, которые обеспечивают учащихся дополнительными возможностями в тренировке языковых навыков и…
NEUROENGLISH. НейроИнглиш. Помоги мозгу выучить язык. 109 лайфхаков по изучению иностранного языка
Можно ли сократить время на изучение языка? Можно ли выучить язык быстро и эффективно? Опыт, который проанализирован в этой книге, отвечает…
New Enterprise A1. Grammar Book with digibook app
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form,…
New Enterprise A1. Student's Book with digibook app
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks…
New Enterprise A1. Teacher's Book (International)
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series…
New Enterprise A1. Workbook with digibook app
NEW ENTERPRISE is a series for young adult and adult learners of English from CEFR levels A1 to B2. The series…
New Enterprise A2 - Grammar Book (with Digibooks App)
New Enterprise is a course for young adult and adult learners of English at CEFR Levels A1 - B2. The series…