Английский язык
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London. Учебное пособие
Учебное пособие London для обучающихся в бакалавриате по направлению подготовки "Педагогическое образование" ставит своей целью развитие у студентов навыков устной речи…
Look 1 Stdent's Book (Look, British English)
The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level (Pre-A1 - B1) series for young learners of English. See…
Look BrEd 1 WB
The world is an amazing place. Get up close with Look, a seven-level (Pre-A1 - B1) series for young learners of English. See…
Machine-Building Engineering. Учебное пособие
Пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть включает тексты по специальности с рядом предтекстовых и послетекстовых закрепительных упражнений для аудиторных занятий.…
Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Книга для учителя (+СD)
Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. При разработке тестов учитывались требования, предъявляемые Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере образования и…
Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Учебное пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ. Говорение (+Webcode, +DVD)
Учебное пособие для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку: говорение поможет учащимся подготовиться к сдаче устной части Основного государственного экзамена по…
Market Leader. Advanced. Coursebook (+DVD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Advanced. Practice File (+ Audio CD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Business Grammar and Usage
The Market Leader grammar books provide students with all the business grammar practice they need.
Market Leader. Business Law
Business Law is one of a range of new specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the Market…
Market Leader. Elementary. Coursebook with MyEnglishLab access code (+DVD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Elementary. Practice File (+ Audio CD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Essential Business Grammar and Usage
Market Leader Essential Business Grammar and Usage is designed for use with elementary to intermediate students of business English. It is…
Market Leader. Human Resources
Human Resources is one of a range of specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the Market Leader…
Market Leader. Intermediate. Coursebook (+DVD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Intermediate. Practice File (+ Audio CD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Marketing
Market Leader Marketing is one of a range of specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the Market…
Market Leader. Pre-Intermediate. Coursebook (+DVD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Upper Intermediate. Coursebook with DVD-ROM and BEC Booklet
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Market Leader. Upper Intermediate. Practice File (+ Audio CD)
Market Leader uses authoritative authentic content from the Financial Times to build the professional language and skills needed to communicate in…
Mastering English through Global Debate
Mastering English through Global Debate is designed for students who have attained Advanced-level proficiency according to the guidelines established by the…
Mathematical English. Учебник английского для математиков
Эта небольшая книга предназначена в первую очередь студентам, изучающим математику, а также любым математикам, желающим повысить свой уровень владения современным английским…
Mechanical Engineering. Student's Book
Career Paths: Mechanical Engineering is a new educational resource for mechanical engineering professionals who want to improve their English communication in…
Messages 3. Student's Book
An attractive and innovative four-level course for lower-secondary students. Each unit of the Student's Book is divided into 3 manageable steps with…